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Topics – A

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Topics – B

Bad Cast Away (see also Wicked Cast Out/Cut Off)
Jacob 2:65Jacob 3:36,41,69,132,135,142-143,147,152Alma 3:90,97; Helaman 5:72-733 Nephi 5:783 Nephi 6:313 Nephi 12:23,30Mormon 4:26; Matthew 13:48

Ball (Compass, Director, Liahona)
1 Nephi 5:11,32-37,190,209-2102 Nephi 4:17Mosiah 1:24Alma 17:71

Bands of Death
Mosiah 8:35-37,54,57,80Alma 2:21Alma 3:13,16,20Alma 5:21Alma 8:97; Alma 13:47Mormon 4:73

Baptism (Ordinance Words)
3 Nephi 5:25

Baptize, Baptized, Baptism (see Fire of/and Holy Ghost)
2 Nephi 6:48-492 Nephi 13:7,14-18,24Mosiah 9:41Mosiah 11:129Alma 5:25; Alma 7:41Alma 12:1783 Nephi 3:68-703 Nephi 4:503 Nephi 5:23-28,34-35,39-40; 3 Nephi 5:46-493 Nephi 8:32,40,483 Nephi 8:623 Nephi 10:313 Nephi 12:29,33; 3 Nephi 14:3Mormon 4:86Ether 1:115Moroni 6:1-4Moroni 8:10-16,26,29; Matthew 28:19Mark 16:16Acts 2:38Acts 8:16Acts 19:51 Corinthians 12:13; Galatians 3:27

Bar of God (see Judgment; Judgment Day; Judgment Seat)
2 Nephi 15:14,18Jacob 4:14Mosiah 8:83Alma 3:41Alma 8:104Alma 9:21;
Mormon 4:73Ether 2:5Moroni 10:22,31

Beaten With Few Stripes
2 Nephi 12:11Luke 12:48

Beaten With Many Stripes
Luke 12:47

Be Born Again (Born of Spirit/God; A New Creature)
Mosiah 3:3,9Mosiah 11:186-190Alma 3:11,23,25,27-29,46,86Alma 5:24; Alma 12:176Alma 13:49Alma 14:32Alma 17:21-23Alma 18:6John 3:3-8; 2 Corinthians 5:17Galatians 6:15Ephesians 4:24Colossians 3:101 John 3:9; 1 John 4:71 John 5:1,4,18

Become As Little Children (Blameless)
Mosiah 1:114,118,122Mosiah 8:60Alma 15:563 Nephi 5:40Moroni 8:9-25; Matthew 18:3Matthew 19:13-14Mark 10:14-15Luke 18:16-17

Be Converted, Healed
2 Nephi 9:103 Nephi 4:41Isaiah 6:10-11Matthew 13:15Mark 4:12John 12:40; Acts 28:27

Mosiah 2:29,32,40James 2:15-161 John 3:17

Belief, Believe
Mosiah 1:109Mosiah 11:131Alma 1:25-26Alma 14:9Alma 16:8,12,138-141,151; Helaman 5:843 Nephi 5:47-49Mormon 4:86-87Ether 1:115Moroni 7:26

Believe In Christ/God
2 Nephi 5:38-392 Nephi 11:54-552 Nephi 12:86Mosiah 2:13-17Mosiah 8:56; 3 Nephi 5:34-36,473 Nephi 7:313 Nephi 9:20Mormon 4:84Ether 5:4,18

Believe On His Name
2 Nephi 6:49Alma 3:84Alma 9:27Alma 12:180Alma 16:215Helaman 5:67

Believe – Saved, Believe Not – Damned/Destroyed
2 Nephi 1:772 Nephi 5:38-392 Nephi 6:49Alma 3:84Alma 8:96Alma 9:27;
Alma 12:143,178Helaman 2:25Helaman 5:62,843 Nephi 5:34-35Mormon 4:86; Ether 1:78,115Ether 5:4Psalms 78:21-22Mark 9:23Mark 16:16; John 3:15-16,18,36John 5:24-25John 6:35,40,47John 8:24John 11:25-26;
John 12:44-48Acts 10:43Romans 9:33Romans 10:11Galatians 3:22; 2 Thessalonians 2:121 Timothy 4:10Hebrews 3:181 Peter 2:61 John 5:1

Be Reconciled to God/to Man
2 Nephi 7:41-422 Nephi 11:432 Nephi 15:10Jacob 3:163 Nephi 5:72; Matthew 5:242 Corinthians 5:18,20Colossians 1:21

Better Not To Have Known Me (Christ) (see also Unpardonable Sin)
2 Nephi 13:183 Nephi 13:47Matthew 10:14-15Matthew 26:24Mark 6:11Mark 9:42; Mark 14:21Luke 10:10-16Luke 17:22 Peter 2:20-21

Bible and Book of Mormon To Be As One
1 Nephi 3:196Isaiah 8:20Ezekiel 37:17,19

Bill of Divorcement (God from Israel):
2 Nephi 5:47Isaiah 50:1Jeremiah 3:8

Birth of Christ, Signs
Helaman 5:56-603 Nephi 1:12-22Matthew 2:2,7Luke 2:12

Bitter Cup (of Christ)
Mosiah 8:16-273 Nephi 5:12Isaiah 53:1-12Matthew 20:22-23Matthew 26:36-42; Mark 14:32-36Luke 22:41-46John 18:11

Bitter Fruit, Good Fruit
2 Nephi 8:48Jacob 3:81-85Jacob 3:113,120,130,151Jacob 4:11Alma 3:60,90;
Alma 17:23Alma 19:613 Nephi 6:28-32Matthew 12:33James 3:11-12

Blood On (Off) Garments
1 Nephi 3:117-1182 Nephi 6:86Jacob 1:20Jacob 2:2Mosiah 1:65Mosiah 13:43; Alma 3:39-41,44,49Alma 5:42Alma 10:3-4Alma 16:2363 Nephi 12:32; Mormon 4:101Ether 5:37,39Ether 6:10Leviticus 20:9Ezekiel 3:18,20; Ezekiel 18:13Ezekiel 33:4Matthew 27:25Acts 18:6Acts 20:26

Blood, Fire, Vapor of Smoke
1 Nephi 7:383 Nephi 4:68Mormon 4:37Joel 2:30Acts 2:19

Blood of Saints/of Prophets
2 Nephi 11:642 Nephi 12:123 Nephi 4:30,33,35,37,39Mormon 4:35,56Ether 3:95; Matthew 5:12Matthew 23:31,37Romans 11:3Revelation 6:10-11Revelation 16:6; Revelation 17:6Revelation 18:24Revelation 19:2

Body of Christ Shown After Resurrection
3 Nephi 5:9-11,14-16Matthew 28:9-10Luke 24:38-40John 20:19-20,26-27

Bonds of Iniquity (see Gall of Bitterness)
Mosiah 11:14,191Alma 19:75Mormon 4:40Moroni 8:15Acts 8:23

Book (Bible), Stick of Judah
1 Nephi 3:157-165,171-175,190,195-196,244-245Ezekiel 37:16,19

Book (Book of Mormon), Stick of Joseph/Ephraim
1 Nephi 3:183-186,191-196Isaiah 29:11-12,18Ezekiel 37:16,19Book of Life
Alma 3:100Philippians 4:3Revelation 3:15Revelation 13:8Revelation 20:12,15; Revelation 21:27Revelation 22:19

Bowels of Mercy
Mosiah 8:36Alma 5:22Alma 14:127Alma 16:2163 Nephi 8:6,8Colossians 3:12

Branch (Christ)
Zechariah 3:8Zechariah 6:12

Branch of Israel
1 Nephi 3:161 Nephi 4:151 Nephi 6:62 Nephi 2:7-82 Nephi 6:105; 2 Nephi chapter 72 Nephi 8:66Jacob 2:34Alma 14:126Isaiah 4:2Isaiah 60:21

Brazen Serpent (Type of Christ)
2 Nephi 11:38-39Helaman 3:47-48Numbers 21:8-9

Bread/Waters of Life
1 Nephi 3:682 Nephi 6:992 Nephi 9:134Alma 3:58Alma 19:109John 4:10-14; John 6:31-33,35,48-51,58John 7:37-381 Corinthians 11:26-29Revelation 21:6; Revelation 22:1,7

Bridle Passions/Tongue
Alma 18:15James 1:26James 3:2

Building, Great and Spacious
1 Nephi 2:71,821 Nephi 3:90,93,126

Burn with Fire (Last Days) (see Lake of Fire)
2 Nephi 6:402 Nephi 11:1172 Nephi 12:90Jacob 3:132Jacob 4:5Mosiah 11:135; Alma 3:90Helaman 5:73Mormon 4:64Malachi 4:1Matthew 3:12Matthew 13:30; Luke 3:17

Buy Milk and Honey (Without Price)
2 Nephi 6:992 Nephi 11:99Isaiah 55:1

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Topics – C

Calves of Stall, Deliverance
1 Nephi 7:553 Nephi 11:23Malachi 4:2

Cannot/Could Not Be Saved
1 Nephi 3:1932 Nephi 6:482 Nephi 13:21Mosiah 8:10Alma 3:39,55Alma 8:91-92Alma 12:202-203Helaman 4:69Mormon 3:25Moroni 7:42Moroni 8:15; Moroni 10:15-16,21Matthew 24:22Mark 13:20

Captivity of the Devil
1 Nephi 3:209,2162 Nephi 1:27,32,120,1252 Nephi 6:28Alma 7:44Alma 9:9,20,31Alma 19:463 Nephi 8:473 Nephi 13:92 Timothy 2:26

Carnally Minded – Death (also see Natural Man An Enemy to God)
2 Nephi 6:742 Nephi 12:25Mosiah 8:73,75,77Mosiah 11:188Alma 19:75,77Romans 8:6-7

Cast Lots
1 Nephi 1:681 Samuel 14:421 Chronicles 24:31Matthew 27:35Mark 15:24; Acts 1:26

Cast Off (Out) the Wicked, Cut Off the Wicked (also see Wicked Cast Out/Cut OffBad Cast Away)
1 Nephi 3:35,2081 Nephi 4:53,611 Nephi 5:1512 Nephi 4:312 Nephi 11:56; 2 Nephi 12:77Mosiah 11:175,189Mosiah 12:8Alma 13:37,49Alma 18:1; Alma 19:46,61,96Helaman 4:72Mormon 4:95Ether 1:41

Cast Out the Righteous
2 Nephi 11:63Mosiah 9:5Alma 6:16,32Alma 8:33Alma 9:5Alma 10:44-46,87; Alma 12:31Helaman 5:18,33,35,44,643 Nephi 3:553 Nephi 4:24,39Ether 3:101

2 Nephi 8:942 Nephi 11:87Mosiah 5:49Alma 17:46Mormon 2:45,47Matthew 3:12Luke 3:17

Chains (darkness, Hell, Death, Devil)
2 Nephi 1:27,392 Nephi 6:892 Nephi 12:23,28Alma 9:9,21,31Alma 14:94; Alma 17:162 Peter 2:4Jude 1:6

Charity (Love)
2 Nephi 11:107-108Alma 5:41Alma 16:225Ether 5:29,34-37Moroni 7:50-52; Moroni 8:15,18Moroni 10:151 Corinthians 13:1-4,8,131 Corinthians 14:1; 1 Corinthians 16:14Colossians 3:141 Timothy 1:51 Peter 4:8

Chasten, Chastise
1 Nephi 5:53-54Mosiah 11:23Helaman 4:52Helaman 5:90Deuteronomy 8:5Proverbs 19:181 Corinthians 11:32Hebrews 12:5-11

Chief (Must Serve)
Alma 12:28Matthew 20:27Mark 9:35Luke 22:26-27

Choice Land (also see Good Spot of GroundLand of Liberty)
1 Nephi 1:541 Nephi 3:1762 Nephi 7:31Ether 1:13,18,29,32,35,42Ether 4:22

Choice Seer (see Seer)
2 Nephi 2:10-18,24-30

Choirs Above
Mosiah 1:66Mormon 3:29

Christ Came To Do Will of Father
Mosiah 8:30,343 Nephi 1:143 Nephi 5:123 Nephi 12:25John 5:19-20,30,36; John 6:57

Christ Crucified
1 Nephi 5:241,2512 Nephi 5:252 Nephi 7:6-7,92 Nephi 11:22Mosiah 1:104; Mosiah 8:34Matthew 26:2Matthew 27:35Luke 24:7John 19:23Acts 2:36; 1 Corinthians 2:8Revelation 11:8

Christ Died For All Men
2 Nephi 6:10Alma 16:196John 11:50-51John 18:14Romans 5:6-8Romans 8:34; Romans 14:91 Corinthians 15:3, 222 Corinthians 5:14-151 Timothy 4:10

Christ In America
2 Nephi 11:58Alma 14:753 Nephi 5:13John 10:16

Christ Is First and Last, Beginning and End, Alpha and Omega
1 Nephi 6:19Alma 8:95Isaiah 41:4Isaiah 44:6Isaiah 48:12Colossians 1:15,17-18; Hebrews 1:6Revelation 1:8,11Revelation 2:8Revelation 3:14Revelation 21:6Revelation 22:13

Christ First To Arise (First Fruits Unto God)
2 Nephi 1:75Acts 26:231 Corinthians 15:20,23

Christ Is Only Hope (No Other Means of Salvation)
1 Nephi 3:62 Nephi 8:12Mosiah 1:116Mosiah 2:10-11Mosiah 8:57,89Alma 13:45; Alma 18:11John 6:44John 14:6Romans 5:6,8Romans 10:4Romans 14:9; 1 Corinthians 15:3,17Galatians 3:13

Alma 21:43,45,131Acts 11:26

Church of Christ (also see Church of the Lamb)
Mosiah 9:493 Nephi 12:13-183 Nephi 13:363 Nephi chapter 144 Nephi 1:1,28,31; Moroni 6:4Romans 16:16Galatians 1:22

Church of the Lamb (Few)
1 Nephi 3:221-2302 Nephi 12:16Jacob 3:136Matthew 7:14Matthew 20:16;
Matthew 22:14

Churches of Men (also see Abominable Church)
1 Nephi 3:1671 Nephi 7:502 Nephi 11:90,922 Nephi 12:3-4,14; 4 Nephi 1:28-31,36,48Mormon 4:41-42,49-50

Command Your Children
Alma 19:18Genesis 18:19Deuteronomy 32:46

Conceived By Holy Ghost (Jesus)
2 Nephi 9:27Mosiah 8:30Alma 5:19Matthew 1:20Luke 1:31,35

Condemnation, Condemned – Bring Upon Self
Mosiah 11:140Alma 1:120Alma 9:22-24Alma 19:80Helaman 5:74,84-85; Matthew 12:37John 3:18Romans 2:1Titus 3:10-11

Confess to God, Confess Sins, Confess Christ
Jacob 5:34Mosiah 8:71Mosiah 11:138,196-199Alma 12:7Moroni 7:50; Leviticus 26:40Matthew 10:32Luke 12:8Romans 10:9Romans 14:11; Philippians 2:11James 5:161 John 1:91 John 4:152 John 1:7

Contrary to Knowledge
Mosiah 1:75,79-80Mosiah 8:62,873 Nephi 3:204 Nephi 1:42Mormon 1:17

Costly Apparel
Alma 1:9,41,49Alma 2:10Alma 3:93Alma 16:105Helaman 5:384 Nephi 1:27; 1 Timothy 2:9

Covenant, Covenant People
1 Nephi 3:230,2371 Nephi 4:28-291 Nephi 5:132,2531 Nephi 7:203 Nephi 2:108; 3 Nephi 4:593 Nephi 7:9,29,36,373 Nephi 9:48,58,63-68,85,90,93,983 Nephi 10:1; 3 Nephi 13:54,56,62Mormon 2:42,49Mormon 3:32Mormon 4:28,103Genesis 6:18; Genesis 9:9Genesis 17:7

Created By Word of God
Jacob 3:12-13Mormon 4:78Psalm 33:6Hebrews 11:32 Peter 3:5

Cross of Christ, Personal Cross (also see Take Up Cross)
1 Nephi 3:872 Nephi 6:42Jacob 1:8Alma 19:133 Nephi 5:783 Nephi 12:26;
Ether 1:94Matthew 10:38Matthew 16:24Mark 8:34Mark 10:21Luke 9:23;
Luke 14:27

Cursed If Trust In Man
2 Nephi 3:62-632 Nephi 12:39Jeremiah 17:5

Curse On Laman(ites) (also see Dark and Loathsome PeopleCurse Taken Away)
1 Nephi 1:572 Nephi 3:122 Nephi 4:33,35-39Jacob 2:54Alma 1:107,118-120; Alma 14:20

Curse Taken Away (also see White and Delightsome People)
2 Nephi 3:123 Nephi 1:52-53Moroni 8:9

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Topics – D

Damnation, Damned
2 Nephi 6:49Mosiah 1:74,118,127Mosiah 8:84-85Alma 7:44Alma 17:14; Helaman 4:733 Nephi 5:353 Nephi 8:603 Nephi 11:33Mormon 1:37; Mormon 4:63,86Ether 1:115Matthew 23:14Mark 12:40Mark 16:16Luke 20:47; John 5:29Romans 13:2Romans 14:232 Thessalonians 2:12

Dark and Loathsome People (see Curse on Lamanaites)
1 Nephi 3:134Alma 1:104Mormon 2:44

Darkness at Crucifixion
1 Nephi 3:1021 Nephi 5:242-243Helaman 5:823 Nephi 4:4,17-22Matthew 27:45Mark 15:33Luke 23:44

Day of the Lord (Second Coming)
1 Nephi 7:33-342 Nephi 8:28-292 Nephi 10:6,92 Nephi 11:652 Nephi 11:117; 2 Nephi 12:203 Nephi 11:5,22,26Mormon 4:58-59Isaiah 2:12Isaiah 13:6,9; Isaiah 34:8Jeremiah 46:10Lamentations 2:22Ezekiel 13:5Ezekiel 30:3Joel 1:15; Joel 2:1Joel 3:14Amos 5:18Obadiah 1:15Zephaniah 1:7Zechariah 14:1; Malachi 4:51 Corinthians 5:51 Thessalonians 5:22 Peter 3:10

Death (A Wage)
Mosiah 1:75Alma 3:70Romans 6:23

Death of Christ, Signs
Helaman 5:75-823 Nephi 4:3-40Matthew 27:51Mark 15:37-38Luke 23:44-45

Death and Hell
2 Nephi 6:25-29,43,542 Nephi 12:29Alma 8:99,105Alma 19:88-90; Revelation 6:8; Revelation 20:13-14

Death (first Death) Passed On All Men
2 Nephi 6:11,36Alma 8:99,106Alma 9:40,59Alma 19:87,90Helaman 5:70-71; Mormon 4:72-73Romans 5:12,14,171 Corinthians 15:21-222 Corinthians 1:9; Hebrews 2:14Hebrews 9:16,27James 1:15

Death Swallowed Up, Bands Broken
Mosiah 8:35Mosiah 8:80-82Alma 13:47Alma 15:33Mormon 3:27; 1 Corinthians 15:54

Delivered From All Other Nations
1 Nephi 3:1552 Nephi 1:19Ether 1:35

Descendant of Joseph (Lehi, Nephi)
1 Nephi 1:1651 Nephi 2:22 Nephi 2:5Alma 8:3

Destruction of Nephites
1 Nephi 4:6Alma 21:9-15Helaman 5:10-133 Nephi 13:9-10Mormon 4:7-8

Destruction of Soul
1 Nephi 3:208,216Alma 9:59Alma 16:58Matthew 10:28Matthew 16:26Mark 8:36; Acts 3:23

Devil (Satan, Lucifer), His Angels
2 Nephi 1:101-1042 Nephi 6:20-21,23,392 Nephi 12:23-29Omni 1:45Mosiah 2:26; Mosiah 8:74,78Alma 3:65-69Alma 16:77Alma 17:463 Nephi 8:51; Moroni 7:10,15-16Isaiah 14:12-20Ezekiel 28:12-19Matthew 4:1-11John 8:44; 1 Peter 5:8Revelation 12:7-9Revelation 20:1-3,7,10

Devil Will Drag Them to Hell
Alma 16:77Helaman 2:74-75Psalm 9:17Matthew 7:24-27Luke 6:47-49

Die In Wickedness (Sin), Cast Off
1 Nephi 4:532 Nephi 6:72Mosiah 1:74,83Mosiah 8:61Alma 9:29Alma 19:60Moroni 10:21Ezekiel 33:8John 8:21,24

Die No More
Alma 8:106-107Alma 9:32Alma 19:90Luke 20:36

Disciples (Twelve)
1 Nephi 3:113-114,116Alma 21:143 Nephi 7:133 Nephi 8:713 Nephi 9:4; 3 Nephi 12:104 Nephi 1:1,6,14-15Mormon 1:14,83-84

Draw All Men (To Christ)
2 Nephi 11:963 Nephi 12:26,28John 6:44John 12:32

Dust (Crying or Speaking From)
2 Nephi 2:39-402 Nephi 11:83-852 Nephi 15:16Moroni 10:22-23Isaiah 29:4

Dwell In Presence of God
1 Nephi 3:351 Nephi 4:56,612 Nephi 1:73Mosiah 1:90Mosiah 8:57Mosiah 11:132; Alma 15:493 Nephi 13:53Mormon 3:29Mormon 4:62-63Moroni 8:29Psalm 16:11; Psalm 51:11

Dwellings Desolate
3 Nephi 4:59Matthew 23:38Luke 13:35

Dwindling In Unbelief
1 Nephi 1:1151 Nephi 3:141 Nephi 3:133-134,1851 Nephi 4:162 Nephi 1:22; 2 Nephi 11:81,83,86,89Mosiah 1:7Alma 21:9,11Helaman 2:58,161; Helaman 5:101,1063 Nephi 9:914 Nephi 1:38,42-43Mormon 4:83,101Ether 1:97

Die In Wickedness (Sin), Cast Off
1 Nephi 4:532 Nephi 6:72Mosiah 1:74,83Mosiah 8:61Alma 9:29Alma 19:60Moroni 10:21Ezekiel 33:8John 8:21,24

Die No More
Alma 8:106-107Alma 9:32Alma 19:90Luke 20:36

Disciples (Twelve)
1 Nephi 3:113-114,116Alma 21:143 Nephi 7:133 Nephi 8:713 Nephi 9:4; 3 Nephi 12:104 Nephi 1:1,6,14-15Mormon 1:14,83-84

Draw All Men (To Christ)
2 Nephi 11:963 Nephi 12:26,28John 6:44John 12:32

Dust (Crying or Speaking From)
2 Nephi 2:39-402 Nephi 11:83-852 Nephi 15:16Moroni 10:22-23Isaiah 29:4

Dwell In Presence of God
1 Nephi 3:351 Nephi 4:56,612 Nephi 1:73Mosiah 1:90Mosiah 8:57Mosiah 11:132; Alma 15:493 Nephi 13:53Mormon 3:29Mormon 4:62-63Moroni 8:29Psalm 16:11; Psalm 51:11

Dwellings Desolate
3 Nephi 4:59Matthew 23:38Luke 13:35

Dwindling In Unbelief
1 Nephi 1:1151 Nephi 3:141 Nephi 3:133-134,1851 Nephi 4:162 Nephi 1:22; 2 Nephi 11:81,83,86,89Mosiah 1:7Alma 21:9,11Helaman 2:58,161;
Helaman 5:101,1063 Nephi 9:914 Nephi 1:38,42-43Mormon 4:83,101Ether 1:97

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Topics – E

Earth, Enemies, Tabernacle – God’s Footstool
1 Nephi 5:1302 Nephi 9:73 Nephi 5:82Psalm 99:5Isaiah 66:1Matthew 5:35; Matthew 22:44Mark 12:36Luke 20:43Acts 2:35Acts 7:49Hebrews 10:13

Earth Destroyed by Fire, Elements Melt
3 Nephi 11:31Mormon 4:58Isaiah 10:16-19Ezekiel 39:6Nahum 1:5-6; Zephaniah 1:18Malachi 3:2Malachi 4:12 Peter 3:10-13

Earth Rolled as a Scroll
3 Nephi 11:31Mormon 2:53Mormon 4:58Isaiah 34:4Revelation 6:14

Earthquakes – Crucifixion, Second Coming (also see Mountains Depart;Shake Terribly the Earth)
1 Nephi 3:103-106Helaman 5:77-803 Nephi 4:10-11,14-16Isaiah 24:1,18-20; Isaiah 40:4Joel 2:10Joel 3:16Nahum 1:5Haggai 2:6-7Zechariah 14:4-5; Matthew 27:51Mark 15:38Hebrews 12:26-27Revelation 6:12-17;
Revelation 16:18-20

Elders (Priesthood)
Alma 2:11,23Alma 4:1Moroni 3:1Moroni 4:1-2Moroni 6:2,7Acts 11:30Acts 14:23; Acts 15:4,6,23Acts 16:4Acts 20:171 Timothy 5:17Titus 1:5James 5:14; 1 Peter 5:1

Emmanuel (Immanuel) (also see Messiah)
2 Nephi 9:27,46Isaiah 7:14Isaiah 8:8Matthew 1:23

End Cometh (Is Nigh)
Jacob 3:73,102,126,128,138,153Jacob 4:3Ether 6:8Moroni 8:29Matthew 13:40; Mathew 24:3,6

End(s) of the Law
2 Nephi 1:72,802 Nephi 11:45Moroni 7:28

Endless Hell
1 Nephi 3:208Helaman 2:154Moroni 8:14

Endless Night of Darkness
Alma 19:70

Endless State
Alma 9:41

Endless (Eternal) Torment / Misery / Woe
2 Nephi 6:40,43,542 Nephi 12:29Jacob 4:15Mosiah 1:85,127,129Mosiah 3:6; Mosiah 11:193Mosiah 12:6Alma 1:128Alma 7:12Alma 9:30Alma 14:125; Alma 15:48Alma 17:10,16Alma 19:67Helaman 2:75Helaman 3:17Helaman 4:73; Mormon 4:53Moroni 8:22Revelation 14:11Revelation 20:10

Endure to the End – Saved; If Not – Damned
1 Nephi 3:1881 Nephi 7:692 Nephi 6:42,492 Nephi 13:20-21,302 Nephi 15:5; Omni 1:47Mosiah 1:90Mosiah 2:10-11,49Mosiah 3:11Mosiah 9:40Alma 15:31; Alma 16:135,137Alma 17:66-67Alma 18:23 Nephi 7:103 Nephi 12:18,29-32; Mormon 4:95Matthew 10:22Matthew 24:13Mark 13:131 Corinthians 13:7; 2 Timothy 4:5James 1:12James 5:11

Enemy of the Soul / To All Righteousness / To God
2 Nephi 3:44,47Mosiah 1:81Mosiah 2:26Mosiah 8:78Alma 16:219Moroni 7:10; Acts 13:10James 4:4

Ensign for Nations (also see Standard)
2 Nephi 8:962 Nephi 9:125,127Isaiah 5:26Isaiah 11:12Isaiah 18:3

Enter at Strait Gate (Path)
2 Nephi 13:11,23-252 Nephi 15:10Jacob 4:163 Nephi 13:11Matthew 7:13;
Luke 13:24

Enter God’s Rest
Jacob 1:7Enos 1:45-46Alma 9:55-57,61,69Alma 10:5,29Alma 11:28Alma 19:44; Alma 26:117Alma 27:293 Nephi 12:32Moroni 7:3Moroni 9:6Moroni 10:31; Matthew 11:28-29Acts 7:49Hebrews 3:11,18Hebrews 4:1,3,5,9-10

Ephraim Among Gentiles
Hosea 7:8Hosea 8:8-10

Ephraim Envy Judah, Judah Vex Ephraim
2 Nephi 9:128Isaiah 11:13

Eternal Death (all see Second Death)
2 Nephi 1:124

Eternal Despair
Alma 14:99

Eternal Destruction (Everlasting Damnation)
2 Nephi 1:37Alma 3:13Alma 9:9,31,59Alma 15:5Helaman 2:167Helaman 3:64; Helaman 4:733 Nephi 2:81Mark 3:292 Thessalonians 1:9

Eternal (Everlasting) Gulf
1 Nephi 3:1271 Nephi 4:462 Nephi 1:27Alma 14:101Helaman 2:26,75Luke 16:26

Eternal (Everlasting) Life
1 Nephi 3:2162 Nephi 1:120,1232 Nephi 6:742 Nephi 7:402 Nephi 13:25,30; 2 Nephi 15:5Jacob 4:16Mosiah 1:90Mosiah 3:21Mosiah 8:57,59-60,84; Mosiah 9:40,44Mosiah 11:127Mosiah 12:11Alma 1:7,128Alma 3:51Alma 5:28; Alma 8:96Alma 15:49Alma 19:67Helaman 2:70Helaman 3:48Helaman 5:62; 3 Nephi 4:423 Nephi 7:103 Nephi 11:33Mormon 3:29Mormon 4:53Ether 1:78; Moroni 7:47Daniel 12:2Matthew 19:29Matthew 25:46Mark 10:17,30Luke 10:25; Luke 18:18,30John 3:15-16,36John 4:36John 5:24,39John 6:27,40,47,54; John 10:28John 12:25,50John 17:2-3Acts 13:46,48Romans 2:7Romans 5:21; Romans 6:22-23Galatians 6:81 Timothy 1:161 Timothy 6:12,19Hebrews 5:9; 1 John 3:151 John 5:11,13

Eternity (Everlasting) Punishment
Jacob 5:32Mosiah 1:75Mosiah 11:198Alma 19:98Matthew 25:46

Eternity (To All Eternity)
Jacob 5:32Enos 1:37Mosiah 1:97Alma 9:71Alma 16:230Moroni 8:19Isaiah 57:15

Everlasting Death (all see Second Death)
2 Nephi 7:40,43Alma 9:52

Everlasting (Eternal) Fire
2 Nephi 6:40Mosiah 11:135,190Matthew 18:8Jude 1:7

Every Knee Shall Bow (Confess to God)
Mosiah 8:71Mosiah 11:196-198Isaiah 45:23Romans 14:11Philippians 2:10-11

Evil Man Cannot Do Good
3 Nephi 6:28-32Moroni 7:5-10Matthew 3:10Matthew 7:18-20Luke 6:45John 3:20; James 3:11-12

Evil Spirit(s)
2 Nephi 1:1252 Nephi 14:11Mosiah 1:73-74Mosiah 2:26Luke 7:21Luke 8:2; Acts 19:12-13,15-16

Except Repent – Lost; Judgments of God
2 Nephi 1:107-110Jacob 2:51,53Alma 3:89Alma 6:37Alma 7:13,20Alma 8:34; Alma 13:7Alma 17:57,64Alma 19:12Helaman 3:23,127Helaman 4:17Luke 13:3,5; Revelation 2:5,16,22Revelation 3:3

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Topics – F

1 Nephi 4:131 Nephi 5:342 Nephi 6:482 Nephi 13:28Jacob 3:7Enos 1:17,24; Mosiah 2:36Mosiah 5:81Alma 12:140Alma 13:51;
Alma 16:140,143,149-150,160,217Ether 1:72,85Ether 5:3-23,30Moroni 7:26-44; Matthew 17:20Matthew 21:21Luke 18:8Romans 3:3Romans 4:5,9,19-20; Romans 9:30Romans 10:6,17Romans 14:1,231 Corinthians 13:2,13; 2 Corinthians 5:7Galatians 2:16Galatians 3:11,24Galatians 5:6Colossians 1:23; 2 Thessalonians 3:21 Timothy 1:51 Timothy 2:151 Timothy 6:122 Timothy 2:22; 2 Timothy 3:10Titus 2:2Hebrews 6:1Hebrews 10:38Hebrews chapter 11; James 1:6James 2:14-26James 5:152 Peter 1:5

Faith, Hope and Charity
Alma 5:41Ether 5:3-23,29-32Moroni 7:1,31,35,41-50Moroni 8:15,29; Moroni 10:15-171 Corinthians 13:13

Fall (The), Fall of Man (also see All Mankind Lost)
2 Nephi 1:66,116-1172 Nephi 6:12-13Mosiah 1:115,119,128Mosiah 2:8,11; Mosiah 8:74Alma 9:38Alma 12:114Alma 13:45Alma 19:90Helaman 5:70; Moroni 4:71Ether 1:63,76

False Apostles
2 Corinthians 11:13Revelation 2:2

False Messiah (False Christ)
2 Nephi 11:33Words of Mormon 1:23Matthew 24:24Mark 13:22; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4

False Preachers/Teachers
2 Nephi 12:12,14,18Words of Mormon 1:244 Nephi 1:36Mormon 4:36,51; 2 Peter 2:1

False Prophet(s)
Words of Mormon 1:24Helaman 5:35-363 Nephi 6:274 Nephi 1:36Jeremiah 14:14; Jeremiah 23:14,16,21Matthew 7:15Matthew 24:11,24Mark 13:222 Peter 2:1; 1 John 4:1

Fasting and Prayer
Omni 1:47Mosiah 11:183Alma 3:79Alma 4:6Alma 12:5Alma 15:42Alma 21:2; 3 Nephi 12:144 Nephi 1:13Psalm 35:13Joel 2:12Matthew 17:21Acts 10:30; Acts 14:231 Corinthians 7:5

Father Glorified in Christ
1 Nephi 6:333 Nephi 4:453 Nephi 5:8John 11:4John 17:1,4-5

Father of Lies (Devil)
2 Nephi 1:1042 Nephi 6:21Ether 3:100John 8:44

Fear God
2 Nephi 9:512 Nephi 11:146,159Alma 16:237Alma 19:19Alma 27:47;
3 Nephi 11:8,23Psalm 111:10Ecclesiastes 8:12Isaiah 29:23Revelation 14:7

Fear of the Lord
2 Nephi 8:26,35,372 Nephi 9:117-118Enos 1:38Mosiah 2:1Mosiah 13:41;
Alma 12:148Alma 17:6,12Job 28:28Psalm 19:9Psalm 34:11Psalm 111:10;
Proverbs 1:7Proverbs 8:13Proverbs 9:10Proverbs 10:27Proverbs 14:26-27;
Proverbs 16:6Proverbs 19:23Proverbs 22:4

Few Servants
2 Nephi 12:16Jacob 3:136Matthew 9:37Luke 10:2

Fiery Darts of Adversary
1 Nephi 4:40Ephesians 6:16

Filthy, Filthiness
1 Nephi 3:124,1341 Nephi 4:44-46,55-56,592 Nephi 6:38-39; Jacob 2:51-52,60-61,63Enos 1:31Mosiah 5:49-50Alma 3:41Alma 5:36-37;
Mormon 2:44Mormon 4:63,74Isaiah 64:6Ezekiel 36:252 Corinthians 7:1; Ephesians 5:4James 1:21Revelation 17:4Revelation 22:11

Final State of Man
1 Nephi 4:612 Nephi 6:36-40Mosiah 1:85Alma 16:234

Fire of/and the Holy Ghost
2 Nephi 13:17-18Helaman 2:86-87,110-1113 Nephi 4:503 Nephi 5:37,46,49; 3 Nephi 9:14Ether 5:15Matthew 3:11Luke 3:16

First Fruits Unto God (Saints)
Jacob 3:17James 1:18Revelation 14:4

First To Be Last; Last, First
1 Nephi 3:200Jacob 3:127Ether 6:13Matthew 19:30Matthew 20:16Mark 9:35; Mark 10:31Luke 13:30

Flame of Devouring (Unquenchable) Fire (all see Lake of Fire)
2 Nephi 6:402 Nephi 9:982 Nephi 11:117Mosiah 1:84Mosiah 1:129Alma 9:30; Isaiah 29:6Luke 16:24

Forgive Others and Will Be Forgiven
Mosiah 11:1403 Nephi 5:104,107Matthew 18:21-22,35Mark 11:25-26Luke 6:37

Fornication (Carnal/Spiritual)
Jacob 2:66Helaman 3:643 Nephi 5:802 Chronicles 21:11Isaiah 23:17;
Matthew 5:32Matthew 19:9Acts 15:20,29Acts 21:251 Corinthians 5:1,9-10;
1 Corinthians 6:9,13,181 Corinthians 7:2Galatians 5:19Ephesians 5:3;
Colossians 3:51 Thessalonians 4:3Revelation 17:2Revelation 19:2

Foundation of the World
1 Nephi 3:282 Nephi 6:422 Nephi 11:130Mosiah 2:10Mosiah 8:53Mosiah 9:44; Alma 9:41-42,49,65-71Alma 12:119Alma 13:45Alma 19:108Helaman 2:112; 3 Nephi 1:14Ether 1:77,110-111,116Matthew 13:35Matthew 25:34Luke 11:50; John 17:24Ephesians 1:4Hebrews 4:31 Peter 1:20Revelation 13:8Revelation 17:8

Fruit (also see Bitter FruitGood Fruit)
Alma 3:60,90,1083 Nephi 6:29-31Proverbs 8:19Proverbs 10:16Proverbs 11:30; Isaiah 3:10Jeremiah 12:2Jeremiah 17:10Matthew 3:10Matthew 7:17-20; Matthew 12:33Mark 4:20Luke 3:9Luke 8:14John 12:24John 15:2-5,16; Romans 6:21-22Romans 7:4Galatians 5:22Ephesians 5:9Colossians 1:6; Philippians 1:22Philippians 4:17

Fully Ripe (In Iniquity)
2 Nephi 12:20Alma 17:60,64Alma 21:17Revelation 14:18Fulness of Gospel
1 Nephi 3:191 Nephi 4:163 Nephi 7:34-373 Nephi 9:66,69Romans 15:29

Fulness of Time(s)
2 Nephi 1:63,1162 Nephi 8:14Galatians 4:4Ephesians 1:10Fulness of Wrath
1 Nephi 5:1231 Nephi 7:34,362 Nephi 1:31Ether 1:30-32,34Ether 4:22Ether 6:61Revelation 15:1

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Topics – G

Gall of bitterness (see also Bonds of Iniquity)
Mosiah 11:191Alma 17:16Alma 19:75Mormon 4:40Moroni 8:15Acts 8:23

Garments Rid of Blood (White, Spotless) (see also Wash Away Sins)
1 Nephi 3:117-1182 Nephi 6:86,88Jacob 1:20Jacob 2:2Mosiah 1:65; Alma 3:39-41,44,49Alma 5:42Alma 10:3-4Alma 16:2363 Nephi 12:32; Mormon 4:10Ether 5:37-39Ether 6:10Ecclesiastes 9:8Daniel 12:10Acts 18:6; Acts 20:26Revelation 3:4-5,18Revelation 4:4Revelation 7:9,14Revelation 15:6; Revelation 19:14

Gathering of Israel (see also Second Time to Restore People)
1 Nephi 3:181 Nephi 5:253-2551 Nephi 7:22-23,562 Nephi 9:1272 Nephi 12:84-85; 3 Nephi 9:49,54,65-68,71,86Isaiah 43:5-6Isaiah 54:7Isaiah 56:8Jeremiah 23:3; Jeremiah 29:14Jeremiah 31:7-9Jeremiah 32:37Ezekiel 11:17; Ezekiel 20:33-38,40-44Ezekiel 37:21Zechariah 10:8

Gather together Oft
Mosiah 9:58Alma 4:6Matthew 23:37Hebrews 10:25

Gentiles Great In God’s Eyes
1 Nephi 6:521 Nephi 7:13-152 Nephi 5:17-19,30-312 Nephi 7:14-16,29-30; 3 Nephi 7:283 Nephi 9:65-66,923 Nephi 13:54Mormon 2:43Ether 1:100-101

Gentiles Numbered with Israel
1 Nephi 3:2013 Nephi 7:383 Nephi 9:923 Nephi 10:1,11

Gentiles Receive Gospel (Fulness)
1 Nephi 3:191 Nephi 3:166-167,190-1911 Nephi 4:16,272 Nephi 11:78; 3 Nephi 7:21,313 Nephi 9:87,91-923 Nephi 12:2Mormon 2:43Mormon 3:30; Ether 5:22

Gentiles Receive Holy Ghost
1 Nephi 3:15,1513 Nephi 7:22Acts 10:45-48Acts 11:1-18Acts 15:7-8,14; Acts 21:19

Gentiles (Ephraim) Reject Fulness of Gospel, Are Proud
2 Nephi 11:90,1352 Nephi 12:13-17,35-38,403 Nephi 7:34-353 Nephi 9:51,56Mormon 4:43,48-55Isaiah 28:1,3Hosea 7:1Hosea 8:11-12

1 Nephi 3:152,155,173,176,182-1831 Nephi 7:152 Nephi 7:183 Nephi 7:34; 3 Nephi 9:65,89-90

Gift(s) of God
1 Nephi 3:261 Nephi 4:63Moroni 10:8,18,20Acts 8:20Romans 5:15-18;
Romans 6:23Romans 11:292 Corinthians 9:15Ephesians 2:8

Gift of (Baptize with) Holy Ghost
1 Nephi 3:26,1872 Nephi 12:312 Nephi 13:15-18Jacob 4:13Alma 6:31Alma 7:31;
3 Nephi 9:10,14,214 Nephi 1:2Matthew 3:11Mark 1:8Luke 3:16John 1:33;
John 20:22Acts 1:5Acts 10:38,45Hebrews 2:4

Gifts of the Spirit
Omni 1:44Alma 7:323 Nephi 13:59Mormon 4:66-67Moroni 10:10-14,27; Romans 11:291 Corinthians 12:1,4,8-10,28,30-311 Corinthians 14:1,12; Ephesians 4:8

God Gives Liberally If Asked
2 Nephi 3:64Matthew 7:11Luke 11:11-13James 1:5

Godhead-Three Persons, One God (see also Oneness of God, One God)
1 Nephi 3:43-44,502 Nephi 13:14-19,26,32Mosiah 8:28-353 Nephi 4:44-45;
3 Nephi 5:11-12,32-333 Nephi 7:15-25Genesis 18:1-2Genesis 19:24; Psalm 110:1Daniel 7:9,13Mark 12:36John 1:1-2John 3:16-18John 10:33-36; John 14:28John 15:26John 16:3,5,7,16,27-28John chapter 17Acts 2:27,30-36; Acts 7:56Colossians 1:15Hebrews 1:1-101 John 5:7Revelation 5:1-7

God Himself Shall Come Down (also see God in Flesh; Lord/God Came Down)
Mosiah 8:28Mosiah 9:11Alma 19:97Isaiah 9:6

God In Flesh (also see God Himself Shall Come Down)
1 Nephi 5:250-2512 Nephi 1:63-642 Nephi 5:242 Nephi 6:102 Nephi 11:21; 2 Nephi 14:7Jacob 3:17Enos 1:11Mosiah 8:29Ether 1:71-72Isaiah 7:14; Isaiah 9:6Matthew 1:23Romans 8:31 Timothy 3:161 Peter 3:181 Peter 4:1

God and Mammon
2 Nephi 11:1093 Nephi 5:115Matthew 6:24Luke 16:9,11,13

God Opens Way For Obedience, Good to Come
1 Nephi 1:651 Nephi 2:1011 Nephi 3:281 Nephi 5:59,78,134,157; 1 Nephi 7:432 Nephi 3:60Alma 17:82Alma 19:713 Nephi 10:6Moroni 7:32

God/Pre-Mortal Christ Seen by Men
1 Nephi 1:72 Nephi 8:32 Nephi 9:1Ether 1:69,76,81Genesis 12:7Genesis 17:1; Genesis 18:1Genesis 26:2,24Genesis 48:3Exodus 6:3Exodus 24:9-11; Leviticus 9:4,6Numbers 12:8Joshua 5:13-152 Chronicles 1:7Isaiah 6:1-5; Jeremiah 31:3Ezekiel 1:28Daniel 7:9-13Acts 7:55-56Revelation 4:2; Revelation 5:1-7

God (Christ) Scourged
1 Nephi 5:2372 Nephi 5:25Mosiah 1:104Mosiah 8:32-34Isaiah 53:4-5; Matthew 27:26Mark 15:15John 19:1

God’s Hand Not Shortened
2 Nephi 5:52Isaiah 50:2Isaiah 59:1

Good Spot of Ground (see Choice Land; Land of Liberty)
1 Nephi 1:541 Nephi 3:1761 Nephi 5:1372 Nephi 1:62 Nephi 7:31Jacob 3:68,93; Ether 1:18,29,32,35Ether 6:2

Graven Image
Mosiah 7:97,1133 Nephi 9:103Exodus 20:4-5Leviticus 26:1Deuteronomy 5:8-9; Deuteronomy 27:15Isaiah 44:9

Great and Marvellous Work, Work of the Father
1 Nephi 3:214,2371 Nephi 7:172 Nephi 2:242 Nephi 3:312 Nephi 11:29,146-147; 2 Nephi 12:42,873 Nephi 9:93,953 Nephi 10:4-73 Nephi 13:43-44Mormon 1:82; Ether 1:114Isaiah 29:14

Great Spirit
Alma 12:64,68-71,93,103-106Alma 12:164-147Alma 13:41-43

Greater Things to Be Manifest
Alma 9:183 Nephi 12:3Mormon 4:14Ether 1:101-102,105,109

Guilt, Guilty
2 Nephi 6:34,92-932 Nephi 12:11Jacob 4:14Enos 1:8Mosiah 1:83-84,127;
Alma 1:18Alma 3:34,43Alma 8:101Alma 9:1Alma 10:41Alma 14:32Alma 20:51;
Mormon 4:61-62Romans 3:191 Corinthians 11:27James 2:10

Guilty Are Angry Because of Truth
1 Nephi 1:211 Nephi 5:22 Nephi 4:1-22 Nephi 12:332 Nephi 15:6Alma 16:242

Gulf of Misery
1 Nephi 3:1271 Nephi 4:462 Nephi 1:27Alma 14:101Helaman 2:26,75Luke 16:26

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Topics – H

Happiness – Endless, Eternal
2 Nephi 1:802 Nephi 4:432 Nephi 6:85Mosiah 1:90Mosiah 8:84; Alma 1:128; Alma 15:18,49Alma 19:44,48-49,51,68,73-75,89,98Alma 20:70Helaman 5:52Mormon 1:37Mormon 3:29Mormon 4:53

Harden Heart, Harden Not
1 Nephi 3:201,2131 Nephi 4:131 Nephi 7:40Jacob 4:7-10; Alma 9:17-19,22,54-57,67Alma 16:2273 Nephi 9:66,92

Harlots (Churches), Mother of
1 Nephi 3:142-143,183,234,236Revelation 17:4-5

Hear, Do Sayings of Christ
3 Nephi 6:363 Nephi 7:23 Nephi 8:66Mormon 4:89Matthew 7:24,26; Luke 6:47-48John 14:23-24

Hearts Burned
3 Nephi 5:5Luke 24:32

Heavenly Signs
2 Nephi 10:10Helaman 5:56-60,753 Nephi 4:30Isaiah 24:23Joel 2:10,31; Joel 3:15Matthew 24:29Mark 13:24Luke 23:45Revelation 6:12-14

Heavens Vanish, Earth Wax Old, Be Burned
2 Nephi 5:803 Nephi 11:31Ether 6:9Isaiah 51:62 Peter 3:10Revelation 6:14Revelation 20:11Revelation 21:1

Hell (see also Hell Fire)
2 Nephi 1:29,1252 Nephi 6:27-28,68,702 Nephi 11:762 Nephi 12:18,26,29; Alma 3:10Alma 16:77Alma 17:10Deuteronomy 32:22Psalm 9:17Proverbs 23:14;
Isaiah 14:9,15Ezekiel 31:16-17Ezekiel 32:21Matthew 11:23Matthew 16:18; Luke 16:23Revelation 1:18Revelation 6:8Revelation 20:13-14

Hell Fire – Awful, Endless
1 Nephi 3:2081 Nephi 4:46,60Alma 12:170Alma 25:7Helaman 2:154; Moroni 8:14,22Matthew 5:22,29-30Matthew 10:28Matthew 18:9Matthew 23:15,33Mark 9:47Luke 12:5James 3:62 Peter 2:4

Hewn Down (Wicked)
2 Nephi 9:114Jacob 3:92,99,132Jacob 4:11Alma 3:59,90,97Helaman 5:72-73; 3 Nephi 6:313 Nephi 12:23-24,30Mormon 4:26Matthew 3:10Matthew 7:19Luke 3:9

Hidden Because of Unbelief
2 Nephi 6:85Alma 9:15-19Ether 1:109,1111 Corinthians 2:14

High Priest(s)
Mosiah 11:17Mosiah 13:63Alma 2:5,25Alma 3:3Alma 9:73Alma 10:1,7; Alma 16:21,27Alma 21:34,73Helaman 2:23Zechariah 3:1,8Zechariah 6:11Hebrews 2:17Hebrews 3:1Hebrews 4:14-15Hebrews 5:1,5,10Hebrews 6:20Hebrews 7:26Hebrews 8:1,3Hebrews 9:7,11,25Hebrews 10:21

Hiss (God to Hiss for Israel, Nations)
2 Nephi 8:962 Nephi 12:44-45Moroni 10:25Isaiah 5:26Zechariah 10:8

Hiss and Byword (House of Israel)
1 Nephi 5:2523 Nephi 7:333 Nephi 13:61Psalm 44:14

Holy One of Israel
1 Nephi 5:252-2531 Nephi 6:241 Nephi 7:11,40,46,55,62,642 Nephi 1:23; 2 Nephi 2:32 Nephi 5:24,26,402 Nephi 6:26,30,36,42-43,48,50,53,55,81; 2 Nephi 8:89,942 Nephi 9:101,1372 Nephi 11:55,1562 Nephi 12:6,78; 2 Nephi 13:17Omni 1:43,463 Nephi 10:13Psalm 89:18Isaiah 10:20Isaiah 12:6Isaiah 17:7Isaiah 29:19Isaiah 41:14Isaiah 43:3,14Isaiah 45:11Isaiah 47:4; Isaiah 48:17Isaiah 54:5Isaiah 60:14

Holy Order of God (see Melchisedec Priesthood)

Holy Spirit (Form of Dove)
1 Nephi 3:742 Nephi 13:10Matthew 3:16Mark 1:10Luke 3:22John 1:32

Holy Spirit (Form of Man)
1 Nephi 3:50

Honor Father and Mother
1 Nephi 5:167Mosiah 7:119Exodus 20:12Deuteronomy 5:16Matthew 15:4-6; Matthew 19:19Mark 7:10Mark 10:19Luke 18:20Ephesians 6:1-2

Horn Iron, Hoofs Brass
3 Nephi 9:54-55Micah 4:13

Horse In America Before European Advent
1 Nephi 5:1262 Nephi 8:23,98Enos 1:34Alma 12:76-77,79,82,1883 Nephi 2:30,443 Nephi 3:1,101Ether 4:21

House Left Desolate (Israel)
Helaman 5:87Matthew 23:38Luke 13:35

House/Mansion, Place Prepared for Man
Enos 1:46Mosiah 11:131-132Alma 3:44-45Ether 5:4,32-34,38John 14:2-3; 2 Peter 3:13Revelation 21:1

House of Israel No More Confounded
1 Nephi 3:205Isaiah 45:17

Housetops (Read From, Revealed On)
2 Nephi 11:131Mormon 2:35Matthew 10:27Luke 12:3

How Beautiful the Feet
Mosiah 7:77Mosiah 8:48,513 Nephi 9:78Nahum 1:15

How Oft Would Gather Israel
3 Nephi 4:55Matthew 23:37Luke 13:34

Humble, Humility (Compelled, Willingly)
1 Nephi 3:152Mosiah 1:118Mosiah 2:16,21Mosiah 9:153-154Mosiah 13:26; Alma 4:3Alma 10:6-7,28Alma 16:133-137,138,219,237Alma 17:66Alma 19:114Alma 21:143Alma 23:26Helaman 4:12Ether 5:28Moroni 8:112 Chronicles 7:14; 2 Chronicles 34:27Proverbs 6:3Matthew 18:42 Corinthians 12:21

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Topics – I

In/From Their Sins
2 Nephi 6:72Mosiah 8:61-62Alma 3:39-40Alma 4:10Alma 8:87,89-91Alma 13:10; Helaman 2:72-73Moroni 10:211 Corinthians 15:17

Iniquity (see Bonds of Iniquity; Gall of Bitterness)

Interpreters, Director(s) (Urim and Thummim)
Mosiah 5:72-73Mosiah 9:170Mosiah 12:18-21Mosiah 13:2Alma 17:53,55-56; Mormon 4:100Ether 1:87-89,93,99Ezra 2:63Nehemiah 7:65

Israel No More Confounded
1 Nephi 3:2051 Nephi 4:33Ether 6:8Moroni 10:28Isaiah 54:17

Israel Shall Come From Far
1 Nephi 6:42Isaiah 43:6Isaiah 49:12Isaiah 60:4,9

Israel, Sons and Daughters to Gentiles
1 Nephi 6:52-531 Nephi 7:13,182 Nephi 5:18-192 Nephi 7:15,28Isaiah 49:23

Israel Upon Isles of Sea, Receive Gospel
1 Nephi 5:243,250,2541 Nephi 6:381 Nephi 7:92 Nephi 7:13,35-372 Nephi 12:56

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Topics – J

Mosiah 12:17,22Book of Ether

Jehovah,the Lord
(According to Cruden’s Concordance of the Bible, “Lord: The Hebrew word transliterated Jehovah is usually rendered in the Old Testament by LORD, written in small capitals.”)
2 Nephi 9:133Moroni 10:31Genesis 18:14Genesis 24:40Exodus 5:2Exodus 6:3; Psalm 23:1Psalm 83:18Isaiah 12:2Isaiah 26:4Jeremiah 23:6

Jerusalem Destroyed
1 Nephi 1:3,12,18,781 Nephi 2:191 Nephi 3:22 Nephi 1:4-52 Nephi 5:22; 2 Nephi 11:24Helaman 3:55-562 Kings 24:14Jeremiah 38:28Jeremiah 39:8

Jerusalem Restored
3 Nephi 9:85Mormon 2:42Ether 6:11Isaiah 4:3Isaiah 24:23Isaiah 30:19; Isaiah 65:19Zechariah 1:17Zechariah 2:4-5,12Zechariah 8:3-8,15,20-23

Jews/Jerusalem Scourged/Trodden Down By Gentiles
1 Nephi 5:2512 Nephi 11:24-26Matthew 23:37-38Luke 13:34-35Luke 21:24

Jews Reject Christ
1 Nephi 3:141 Nephi 4:272 Nephi 7:5-72 Nephi 11:34Jacob 3:223 Nephi 9:35Matthew 21:42Mark 8:31Mark 12:10Luke 9:22Luke 17:25John 5:16,18

John the Baptist
1 Nephi 3:7,722 Nephi 13:6Matthew 3:1-6,13-14Mark 1:4-6

John the Beloved Disciple
1 Nephi 3:2513 Nephi 13:17Ether 1:113John 21:20Revelation 1:1

Joseph and Judah Write (Grow Together)
2 Nephi 2:19-20Ezekiel 37:16-19

Joy In Fruit
Jacob 3:124,139,147Luke 15:7,10

Joy Through Christ/Righteousness
2 Nephi 1:1152 Nephi 6:42Alma 14:96,115Alma 15:17-19,43,51Alma 16:44,119,200Alma 17:19Helaman 2:1103 Nephi 13:21-22Luke 1:44John 3:29John 15:11John 16:22James 1:21 Peter 4:131 John 1:4

Judge Not, Judge Righteously
Alma 19:783 Nephi 6:13-14Mormon 4:24Moroni 7:12-14,17-18Matthew 7:1-2Luke 6:37Luke 12:57John 7:24Romans 14:13

Judged, Judged by Words, According to Works
1 Nephi 3:861 Nephi 4:52,542 Nephi 1:792 Nephi 6:37,882 Nephi 11:30,422 Nephi 12:29,66Words of Mormon 1:17Mosiah 1:64,126Mosiah 8:53; Mosiah 11:197Alma 3:31Alma 8:98,104Alma 9:14,21Alma 14:40Alma 16:142,197Alma 19:56,66-68,78-80,1063 Nephi 6:143 Nephi 11:323 Nephi 12:27-283 Nephi 13:2-3Mormon 1:83-84,87Mormon 3:22; Moroni 7:17Matthew 16:27Romans 2:6,121 Corinthians 6:21 Peter 4:6Revelation 11:18Revelation 19:2Revelation 20:12-13Revelation 22:12

Judgment (Before God) (see also Bar of God)
1 Nephi 3:332 Nephi 6:37Mosiah 1:106,117,125-126Mosiah 8:71Mosiah 11:198Alma 9:26,46Alma 10:51-52Alma 16:184Alma 19:793 Nephi 6:14; Mormon 4:74Moroni 7:17Ecclesiastes 11:9Ecclesiastes 12:14Matthew 12:41-42Luke 11:31-32John 5:22John 12:31Hebrews 10:271 Peter 4:17Jude 1:6

Judgment Day (see also Bar of God)
2 Nephi 6:47,91Mosiah 1:125Alma 7:19Alma 16:197Helaman 3:633 Nephi 13:44,53Mormon 3:29,33Romans 2:16

Justice (of God)
1 Nephi 3:127,2091 Nephi 4:48,612 Nephi 6:54,91Jacob 4:15Mosiah 1:83-84,128; Mosiah 8:37,65Alma 9:32,53Alma 16:216-217Alma 19:64,66,79,81,94-97,103-107; 3 Nephi 12:303 Nephi 13:48Mormon 3:23Ether 3:97

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Topics – K

Keep Commandments – Blessed, Disobey – Cursed (Cut Off)
1 Nephi 1:1161 Nephi 5:59,78-792 Nephi 1:20,342 Nephi 2:32 Nephi 3:8-9; 2 Nephi 12:76Jarom 1:22Omni 1:8Mosiah 1:55-56Mosiah 9:41Alma 5:28; Alma 7:15Alma 17:29-30,44Alma 21:1483 Nephi 5:683 Nephi 8:46;
Deuteronomy 8:11Deuteronomy 11:27-281 Kings 11:342 Chronicles 7:19-20; Psalm 89:31-32Matthew 5:191 John 2:41 John 3:24Revelation 22:14

Kingdom of the Devil
1 Nephi 7:49-512 Nephi 12:23Alma 3:45Alma 19:67Matthew 12:25-26; Mark 3:23-26Luke 11:17-18

Kingdom of God/Heaven
1 Nephi 4:562 Nephi 6:42,482 Nephi 7:442 Nephi 11:222 Nephi 12:11; 2 Nephi 13:31Jacob 2:23Jacob 4:7Mosiah 2:31Mosiah 8:43Mosiah 9:51; Mosiah 11:188Alma 3:44-45,51,87,89Alma 5:18,24,33,36Alma 5:42; Alma 7:13,39Alma 8:29,91-92Alma 15:68Alma 18:17Alma 19:13,59-60,67; Helaman 2:263 Nephi 5:34,40,50,57,683 Nephi 6:11,33Ether 2:4Moroni 9:6; Moroni 10:15-16,21Matthew 4:23Matthew 5:19-20Matthew 6:33Matthew 9:35; Matthew 11:12Matthew 12:28Matthew 13:43Matthew 16:19Matthew 18:1,3-4;
Matthew 21:31Matthew 24:14Matthew 25:34Matthew 26:29Mark 1:15Mark 4:26;
Mark 10:14-15Luke 10:9,11Luke 11:20Luke 12:31-32Luke 13:29Luke 14:15; Luke 17:20-21Luke 18:16-17,24Luke 19:12,15Luke 22:29John 3:3,5; Acts 14:22Romans 14:171 Corinthians 4:201 Corinthians 6:9-10;
1 Corinthians 15:24,50Galatians 5:21Ephesians 5:5Colossians 1:13;
2 Thessalonians 1:5Hebrews 12:28James 2:5Revelation 12:10

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Topics – L

Labor With Own Hands
2 Nephi 4:26Mosiah 9:57Mosiah 11:154Alma 1:392 Thessalonians 3:10

Lake of Fire and Brimstone, Second Death
(also see Burn With FireFlame of Devouring Fire)

2 Nephi 6:40,43,542 Nephi 12:29Jacob 2:65Jacob 4:15Mosiah 1:129Alma 3:59;
Alma 9:30Revelation 19:20Revelation 20:10,14-15Revelation 21:8

Lamanites to Scourge Nephites
1 Nephi 1:582 Nephi 4:40Alma 21:12-15

Laman’s Seed Not To Be Destroyed
1 Nephi 3:1782 Nephi 3:13,16Jacob 2:56Helaman 5:105-107

Lamb of God (Jesus Christ)
1 Nephi 3:12,62,73,82,851 Nephi 3:112,127,1932 Nephi 13:6Alma 5:25;
Mormon 4:59Genesis 22:8Exodus 12:5Exodus 13:13Exodus 34:20;
Leviticus 23:12John 1:29,36Acts 8:321 Peter 1:19Revelation 5:6,12; Revelation 7:14Revelation 13:8Revelation 21:9

Land Covered with Bones (Jaredites)
Omni 1:36-39Mosiah 5:62Mosiah 9:167,169Alma 13:74Land Cursed
1 Nephi 5:1292 Nephi 1:14Jacob 2:38,51Alma 17:64Alma 21:17-18;
Helaman 5:41,48Mormon 1:18-19Ether 6:35

Land of Liberty/of Promise, Choice Land, Most Precious (also see Liberty)
1 Nephi 1:54,1741 Nephi 2:191 Nephi 3:17,1761 Nephi 5:79-80,181,211,213;
2 Nephi 1:3,6-15,402 Nephi 2:32 Nephi 7:18,30-31Jacob 2:14Enos 1:15; Mosiah 13:45Alma 17:80Alma 21:463 Nephi 9:50,58Ether 1:13,18,29,32,35,42; Ether 4:22,79Ether 6:2

Language of Egyptians (Lehi and Family)
1 Nephi 1:1,82Mosiah 1:3,6Mormon 4:98

Last Day (Judgment Day) (also see Lifted Up at Last Day)
1 Nephi 7:692 Nephi 1:1182 Nephi 6:67,882 Nephi 11:302 Nephi 15:13,15,17; Jacob 1:20Jacob 2:63Words of Mormon 1:17Mosiah 9:16Mosiah 11:136,197; Alma 5:37Alma 10:52Alma 13:37,49,53Alma 14:40-41,85,87Alma 16:77,238; Alma 17:26Alma 18:17Alma 19:12,66,110Helaman 4:723 Nephi 7:2; 3 Nephi 11:323 Nephi 12:183 Nephi 13:47Mormon 4:59,65Ether 1:104Ether 2:3,5; Moroni 7:37,52John 11:24John 12:48

Last Day(s) (Pre-Millenial) (also see Last Time)
2 Nephi 7:122 Nephi 8:182 Nephi 11:14,27-29,80-94,116-1603 Nephi 13:52; Mormon 4:34-58Genesis 49:1Isaiah 2:2Isaiah 11:10-11Micah 4:1Acts 2:17; 2 Timothy 3:1James 5:32 Peter 3:3

Last Time (End Time)
Jacob 3:126-128,138,145,149Jacob 4:31 Peter 1:5Jude 1:18Latter Days (Prophecies)
1 Nephi 4:16,28,312 Nephi 2:9,223 Nephi 7:31Numbers 24:14Deuteronomy 4:30;
Deuteronomy 31:29Jeremiah 23:20Jeremiah 30:24Jeremiah 48:27Jeremiah 49:39;
Ezekiel 38:16Daniel 2:28Daniel 10:14Hosea 3:51 Timothy 4:1

Law (Temporal and Spiritual)
2 Nephi 1:68-70,72,802 Nephi 5:76,822 Nephi 6:41,51,54,56,932 Nephi 8:19; 2 Nephi 9:542 Nephi 11:45-51Mosiah 8:5-10Alma 16:8,11-12,213,217; Alma 19:99-1043 Nephi 7:10-12Moroni 7:28

Law of God/Christ (in general, the teachings, the doctrine of Christ)
3 Nephi chapters 5,6,7Matthew chapters 5,6,72 Nephi 5:76-82; 2 Nephi 6:41,51-56,932 Nephi 8:19,942 Nephi 9:54,582 Nephi 11:58-59; 3 Nephi 5:66-683 Nephi 6:243 Nephi 7:3-12Moroni 8:25-26,28Isaiah 8:20;
Hosea 8:12Matthew 7:21John 5:24John 7:17John 8:31-32,51John 12:26,48-50;
John 13:34John 14:21John 15:17John 17:8Romans 2:12-16Romans 5:13;
Romans 8:1-4Romans 13:8-10Hebrews 7:12James 1:25

Law of Moses
1 Nephi 5:992 Nephi 4:142 Nephi 8:82 Nephi 11:45Jacob 3:6Jarom 1:11,24;
Mosiah 1:30,110,113Mosiah 7:92Mosiah 8:4,90Alma 14:74-76; Alma 16:4,86,214-215Helaman 5:933 Nephi 1:28,303 Nephi 4:473 Nephi 7:3,5-6; 3 Nephi 11:254 Nephi 1:13Ether 5:11Matthew 5:17-18Matthew 22:36,40; Luke 16:16John 1:17Galatians 2:16Galatians 3:24-25Hebrews 7:11-12,19

Left Hand/Right Hand of God/Christ
Mosiah 3:12-13,16Mosiah 11:131-132Alma 3:100Alma 15:49Helaman 2:26; Ether 5:4Moroni 7:27Psalm 110:1Psalm 118:15-16Matthew 20:23; Matthew 25:33,41Mark 10:40Mark 14:62Mark 16:19Luke 20:42Luke 22:69; Acts 2:33-34Acts 5:31Acts 7:55-56Romans 8:34Ephesians 1:20Colossians 3:1; Hebrews 1:3,13Hebrews 8:1Hebrews 10:12Hebrews 12:21 Peter 3:22; Revelation 5:1,7

Liahona (see Ball)

Liberty (freedom), Civil and Religious (see Land of Liberty)
2 Nephi 7:18Alma 13:27Alma 20:30,34,54-55,70Alma 21:39,42-43,55,70-71,131-132Alma 23:8,16,21,24Alma 24:72-73;
Alma 29:4,45Helaman 1:8Ether 1:31-35Ether 3:99Deuteronomy 28:9-10

Liberty (Freedom) Through Christ
Mosiah 3:8,10Alma 28:12-13Helaman 5:85Isaiah 61:1Luke 4:18John 8:32;
Romans 8:211 Corinthians 7:392 Corinthians 3:17Galatians 5:1,13James 1:25; James 2:12

Lick Up Dust of Feet
1 Nephi 6:532 Nephi 5:20,33Psalm 72:9Isaiah 49:23Micah 7:17

Lifted Up At Last Day (also see Resurrection)
1 Nephi 3:1881 Nephi 5:2Mosiah 11:24Alma 10:29Alma 17:3,70Alma 18:5; 3 Nephi 12:27,35Mormon 1:46Ether 1:116John 6:39-40,44,54John 12:32,34

Light/Life (Christ)
2 Nephi 5:762 Nephi 7:212 Nephi 8:212 Nephi 9:622 Nephi 15:10Mosiah 8:82;
Mosiah 11:192Alma 12:133Alma 14:125Alma 15:51Alma 17:18Alma 19:9;
Alma 21:12Helaman 3:483 Nephi 4:483 Nephi 5:123 Nephi 8:49,54-55; Moroni 7:17-18Luke 2:32John 1:4,7-9John 8:12John 9:5John 12:46Acts 13:47; 1 John 1:5

Line Upon Line
2 Nephi 12:36Isaiah 28:10,13

Little Children Alive In Christ, No Baptism (also see Those Without Law Saved)
Mosiah 1:114-118,122Mosiah 8:603 Nephi 4:51Moroni 8:5-25Matthew 19:14; Mark 10:14Luke 18:16

Live In Daily Thanksgiving
Alma 16:238Ephesians 5:20Hebrews 13:15

Look (Upon Christ) To Be Saved
1 Nephi 5:135Numbers 21:8-9

Lord/God Came Down (To Earth) (also see God Himself Shall Come down)
Mosiah 1:97Mosiah 5:45Mosiah 9:11Ether 1:25Genesis 11:5,7Genesis 18:21;
Exodus 19:20Numbers 11:25Numbers 12:5

Lord To Perform Whole Work on Mt. Zion
2 Nephi 9:93Isaiah 10:12

Lost Tribes of Israel
1 Nephi 7:82 Nephi 12:69,723 Nephi 7:15,19,273 Nephi 8:43 Nephi 10:5;
Jeremiah 31:10Jeremiah 50:17,19Ezekiel 6:3,8-9Ezekiel 11:16-17Ezekiel 20:34;
Ezekiel 28:25James 1:1

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Topics – M

Make Heart Fat
2 Nephi 9:10Psalm 119:70Isaiah 6:10

1 Nephi 5:110Mosiah 5:29Exodus 16:35Numbers 11:6-9Psalm 78:24;
John 6:31,49Revelation 2:17

Mansions (see House/Mansion, Place Prepared for Man)

Many Churches (also see Churches of Men)
1 Nephi 7:502 Nephi 11:90,922 Nephi 12:3-4,144 Nephi 1:29,36,48; Mormon 4:49-50

Many Saints Arise At Resurrection of Christ
Helaman 5:803 Nephi 10:36,39Matthew 27:52

Many Waters (Irreantum)
1 Nephi 3:145,147-148,1731 Nephi 5:64Mosiah 5:61Mormon 3:5Ether 1:28;
Ether 3:9

Many Wives Condemned (also see One Wife)
Jacob 1:15Jacob 2:33,36,55Mosiah 7:3-4Ether 4:48Deuteronomy 17:17

Mark (a Curse) (also see Curse on Laman)
Alma 1:104-105,108,111,113-115,117

Marred Servant
3 Nephi 9:81-83,94,96-98Isaiah 52:14

Marvelous Work (see Great and Marvelous Work)Mary, Mother of Jesus, the Son of God (also see Virgin to Conceive)
1 Nephi 3:55,58-61Mosiah 1:102Alma 5:19Alma 12:143Isaiah 9:6; Matthew 1:16,18,20Matthew 2:11Luke 1:27,30,41-43Luke 2:15-16,19

Meet Often
3 Nephi 8:534 Nephi 1:13Moroni 6:6Hebrews 10:25

Alma 10:7-8,11-15Genesis 14:18Psalm 110:4Hebrews 5:6,10Hebrews 6:20;
Hebrews 7:1,10-11,15,17,21

Melchisedec Priesthood, Order of Son of God
Alma 2:28Alma 3:73,95Alma 4:1Alma 5:38Alma 6:5Alma 9:69Alma 10:7,9,12;
Alma 20:2Alma 21:186Helaman 3:51Ether 5:11Psalm 110:4Hebrews 5:6,10; Hebrews 7:11,17,21

Merciful (Human Mercy)
Alma 19:77-793 Nephi 5:54Psalm 37:21Proverbs 3:3Proverbs 11:17;
Proverbs 14:21-22,31Proverbs 16:6Proverbs 21:21Hosea 4:1Hosea 6:6; Hosea 10:12Hosea 12:6Micah 6:8Matthew 5:7Matthew 9:13Matthew 12:7; Luke 6:36Romans 12:8James 2:13

Mercy of God
2 Nephi 1:87Mosiah 1:85,128Mosiah 8:36Alma 9:55Alma 14:127; Alma 16:135,216-218Alma 19:78-79,94,97,103-107,116Mormon 3:23; Moroni 7:27-28Moroni 8:20Luke 1:50Romans 9:231 Timothy 1:13

Mercy on Jacob
2 Nephi 10:232 Nephi 11:1583 Nephi 11:9Isaiah 14:1Malachi 3:16

Messiah (Christ)
1 Nephi 1:201 Nephi 3:4-5,7,11,15,19,25,1271 Nephi 4:162 Nephi 1:23,71,73,116; 2 Nephi 2:92 Nephi 5:35-362 Nephi 11:24,27,31-35,61Jarom 1:25Mosiah 8:11; Helaman 3:46Daniel 9:25-26John 1:41John 4:25

Millenium/Long Time
2 Nephi 12:99Jacob 3:148Isaiah 65:22Revelation 20:2-3,5,7

More Blessed
Alma 16:136-1373 Nephi 5:47-48John 20:29

More Cursed
Alma 16:141Luke 12:47-48

Mortal (Mortality), Immortal (Immortality)
2 Nephi 6:32,36Enos 1:46Mosiah 1:66,83Mosiah 8:83Alma 3:31Alma 8:106-107; Alma 9:21Alma 19:29,67Helaman 2:263 Nephi 13:19,49Mormon 3:21; Romans 6:12Romans 8:111 Corinthians 15:53-54

More Tolerable At Judgment
Alma 7:19-20,36Matthew 10:15Matthew 11:22,24Mark 6:11Luke 10:12

Most High (God)
1 Nephi 3:43-442 Nephi 10:36Alma 14:943 Nephi 2:793 Nephi 5:17; Deuteronomy 32:8Psalm 47:2Psalm 57:2Psalm 77:10Psalm 82:6Isaiah 14:14; Daniel 4:17Daniel 7:18Acts 7:48

Mother of Abominations (also see Abominable Church; Church of the Devil)
1 Nephi 3:219,222,229,233,236

Mountains Depart (also see Earthquakes-Crucifixion)
3 Nephi 10:18Isaiah 54:10Ezekiel 38:20Nahum 1:5

Mouth Like a Sharp Sword
1 Nephi 6:32Isaiah 49:2Revelation 1:16Revelation 2:12Revelation 19:15-21

Must Repent (also see Repent and Be Baptized)
2 Nephi 1:1092 Nephi 6:48Mosiah 2:16Alma 3:55,86Alma 5:24Alma 16:73; 3 Nephi 5:39-40Moroni 8:11Mark 6:12Luke 13:3Acts 17:302 Peter 3:9; Revelation 2:5,16,22

My Own (Jews) Received Me Not
3 Nephi 4:46John 1:11

Mysteries of God
1 Nephi 1:1,471 Nephi 3:30Mosiah 1:4,39Alma 9:15,18-19Alma 14:103;
Matthew 13:11Luke 8:101 Corinthians 4:11 Timothy 3:9,16

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Topics – N

Name Blotted Out
Mosiah 1:18Mosiah 3:14-15Mosiah 11:145Alma 1:34Alma 3:99Alma 4:4;
Moroni 6:8

Name of Christ, No Other Name For Salvation
(also see Pray in Name of JesusTake Name of Christ)

2 Nephi 11:392 Nephi 13:31Mosiah 1:17-18,116Mosiah 3:11-15,20Mosiah 4:2;
Mosiah 11:103,125,132Alma 3:63Alma 9:543 Nephi 12:18-19Ether 1:78; Moroni 4:4Moroni 5:3Acts 3:6Acts 4:12Ephesians 1:21Ephesians 3:15; Philippians 2:9-10Hebrews 1:4

Name of Church (see Church of Christ)

Narrow Path (see Strait Gate)

Natural Branches (Israel)
1 Nephi 3:191 Nephi 4:8,16,24Jacob 3:141Romans 11:21,24

Natural (Carnal) Man An Enemy To God (also see Carnally Minded-Death)
Mosiah 1:115,119-120Mosiah 8:75,77Alma 14:102Alma 19:75-76,91Helaman 5:52;
Ether 1:63Romans 8:6-71 Corinthians 3:1-41 Corinthians 2:14; 1 Corinthians 15:44-46

Nazareth, Jesus of
1 Nephi 3:53Matthew 2:23Matthew 21:11Luke 1:26John 1:46Acts 3:6

Nephi’s Seed Not Destroyed
1 Nephi 3:1772 Nephi 2:4,31,452 Nephi 11:40

New Heaven and Earth
Ether 6:9Isaiah 65:17Isaiah 66:222 Peter 3:13Revelation 21:1

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Topics – O

Olive Tree (Tame, Wild)
1 Nephi 3:16,191 Nephi 4:8,14,24Jacob 3:31,36Jacob 4:2Hosea 14:6; Romans 11:17

One Body (Church)
Jacob 3:144Romans 12:4-51 Corinthians 10:171 Corinthians 12:12-20,27; Ephesians 2:16Ephesians 4:4,12,16Colossians 3:15

Oneness of God, One God (also see Godhead-Three Persons, One God)
Mosiah 8:30-32,343 Nephi 5:27,36-38John 10:30John 17:11,21-22

One Eternal Round (God’s Course) (also see Unchangeable God)
1 Nephi 3:32Alma 5:35Alma 17:42

One Wife (also see Many Wives Condemned)
Jacob 2:36,55Genesis 2:24Malachi 2:14-15Matthew 19:5Mark 10:6-9; 1 Corinthians 7:21 Timothy 3:2,12Titus 1:6

Opposition In All Things
2 Nephi 1:80-81,97-981 Timothy 6:20

Ordination of Priesthood (Typical)
Moroni 3:2

Other Sheep
3 Nephi 7:16,20,24John 10:16

Outcasts of Israel
2 Nephi 9:127Psalm 147:2Isaiah 11:12Isaiah 16:3-4Isaiah 56:8

Outer Darkness,Night of darkness (Hell)
Alma 16:230Alma 19:46-47,68,70Matthew 8:12Matthew 22:13Matthew 25:30;
1 Thessalonians 5:5Jude 1:6,13

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Topics – P

Pains of Hell
Jacob 2:65Mosiah 1:84Alma 10:41Alma 14:93Alma 17:10,14,18Psalm 116:3

2 Nephi 6:31Alma 19:44,474 Nephi 1:15Moroni 10:31Luke 23:43; 2 Corinthians 12:4Revelation 2:7

Partake of Goodness, Will Not
2 Nephi 11:97,102,104Jacob 1:7

People Draw Near To God, But Hearts Afar
2 Nephi 11:146Isaiah 29:13Hebrews 10:22James 4:8

People of Lord Wait (Watch) for Him
1 Nephi 6:532 Nephi 5:21,35Mark 13:35-37Luke 21:361 Thessalonians 5:6

Perdition (see Son of Perdition)

Perfect Knowledge (see Knowledge)
2 Nephi 6:32,34Jacob 3:18Alma 3:35Alma 16:143,149-150Ether 1:85; Moroni 7:13,15

Perfect Love Casts Out Fear
Moroni 8:181 John 4:17-18

Pit (Death or Hell)
2 Nephi 5:972 Nephi 10:37,41Numbers 16:30,33Psalm 28:1Psalm 88:4,6;
Isaiah 14:15Isaiah 24:17-18,22Isaiah 38:18Ezekiel 26:20Ezekiel 28:8;
Ezekiel 31:14,16Ezekiel 32:18,23-25,29-30Zechariah 9:11Revelation 9:1-2;
Revelation 20:1-3

Pit (Dug)
1 Nephi 3:206-2071 Nephi 7:292 Nephi 5:702 Nephi 12:10Psalm 9:15-16;
Psalm 119:85Proverbs 28:10Isaiah 24:17-18

Plain and Precious Things
1 Nephi 3:168,171-172,174,179,181-184,192,2451 Nephi 5:223

Plates of Brass
1 Nephi 1:61,70,87,118,127,145,158,169-1701 Nephi 3:1631 Nephi 5:264; 1 Nephi 6:21 Nephi 7:12 Nephi 3:3-5,282 Nephi 4:17Omni 1:25Mosiah 1:4,23Mosiah 6:52Mosiah 12:15Mosiah 13:1Alma 17:32-34,38Alma 20:100; 3 Nephi 1:23 Nephi 4:73

Plates of Nephi
1 Nephi 2:1,3,6,93-991 Nephi 3:1,211 Nephi 5:220-2292 Nephi 3:27; 2 Nephi 4:45-47,50Jacob 1:1,3-4Jacob 2:67-69Jacob 5:42,45-47Jarom 1:2,30-32; Omni 1:33,43Words of Mormon 1:5,8-9,13Mosiah 1:10,23Mosiah 12:15; Alma 17:31Helaman 1:523 Nephi 2:943 Nephi 12:1Mormon 1:5,44-45Mormon 3:8

Plates of Gold (24), Jaredite Record
Mosiah 5:64Mosiah 12:16Alma 17:52Ether 1:2-4,100-101

Plowshares Into Swords, Swords Into Plowshares
2 Nephi 8:20Isaiah 2:4Micah 4:3Joel 3:10

Polygamy Condemned (see Many Wives Condemned)Poor In Spirit (Heart)
2 Nephi 12:15Alma 16:123-1243 Nephi 5:50Matthew 5:3

Pray Always (also see Watch and Pray)
2 Nephi 14:11-12Mosiah 11:149Alma 12:5Alma 14:103Alma 16:87,219-222,238;
3 Nephi 8:51-52Matthew 26:41Mark 13:33Mark 14:38Luke 18:1Luke 21:36;
Luke 22:40,461 Thessalonians 5:172 Thessalonians 1:11

Pray In Name of Jesus (Christ)
2 Nephi 14:122 Nephi 15:15Enos 1:243 Nephi 7:273 Nephi 8:3,51-52; 3 Nephi 9:223 Nephi 10:63 Nephi 12:193 Nephi 13:6Mormon 4:84Ether 1:112;
Moroni 2:2Moroni 3:2Moroni 4:4Moroni 5:3Moroni 7:26Moroni 10:4; John 14:13-14,19John 15:16John 16:23-24,26Hebrews 13:15

Pride, Proud
1 Nephi 3:93,126,1291 Nephi 7:332 Nephi 8:282 Nephi 10:11,152 Nephi 11:65,90;
2 Nephi 12:14Jacob 2:21,25,29Mosiah 11:153Mosiah 13:12Alma 1:9,30,32,49;
Alma 2:10Alma 3:50,93Alma 16:103Alma 18:14Alma 29:59Helaman 2:45; Helaman 3:293 Nephi 11:224 Nephi 1:27Mormon 4:47-48Moroni 8:31Psalm 10:2Psalm 31:23Psalm 40:4Psalm 73:6Psalm 94:2Psalm 101:5Psalm 119:21; Psalm 138:6Proverbs 6:16-17Proverbs 11:2Proverbs 15:25Proverbs 16:5,18;
Proverbs 21:4Proverbs 28:25Proverbs 29:23Isaiah 2:12Isaiah 9:9-10; Isaiah 13:11Isaiah 16:6Isaiah 25:11Isaiah 28:1,3Jeremiah 13:9,15Jeremiah 48:29Jeremiah 50:32Malachi 4:1Mark 7:22Luke 1:51Romans 1:30; 1 Timothy 6:42 Timothy 3:2James 4:61 Peter 5:51 John 2:16

2 Nephi 7:92 Nephi 11:106Alma 1:17-18,243 Nephi 7:343 Nephi 9:105; 3 Nephi 14:2

Priesthood (see Melchisedec Priesthood, Order of Son of God)

Priests, Teachers, Elders (also see Elders)
2 Nephi 4:42Jacob 1:18Jarom 1:24Mosiah 4:4Mosiah 9:51,57,59,62; Mosiah 11:19,97,99,155,183Alma 1:39Alma 2:11,23-25Alma 4:1Alma 9:63-64; Alma 10:103Alma 14:8Alma 21:26-27Moroni 3:1-3Moroni 4:1-2Moroni 6:2; Acts 13:1Acts 15:6,23Acts 20:171 Corinthians 12:28Ephesians 4:11Titus 1:5; James 5:141 Peter 5:12 John 1:33 John 1:1; BofC 24:31-46

Prisoners Go Forth
1 Nephi 6:39Psalm 69:33Psalm 146:7Isaiah 24:22Isaiah 42:7Isaiah 49:9; Zechariah 9:11-12

1 Nephi 3:341 Nephi 4:50,522 Nephi 1:107-108,1262 Nephi 6:562 Nephi 15:10; Alma 9:40-41Alma 16:227-230,233Alma 19:84-85,91,94Helaman 5:51; Mormon 4:94

Procrastinate Repentance
Alma 10:27Alma 16:229,233-234Helaman 5:51Promise To/Covenant With Abraham
1 Nephi 4:291 Nephi 5:1322 Nephi 12:743 Nephi 9:63,65Mormon 2:49Ether 6:12;
Romans 4:13-20Romans 9:8Galatians 3:14,17-22,29Galatians 4:28

Prophecy, Prophecies
1 Nephi 5:219,2232 Nephi 3:1-62 Nephi 11:48Jacob 1:6Words of Mormon 1:6;
Alma 6:31Alma 14:9-11Alma 16:7,15,26,30Helaman 3:55Helaman 5:102-104; 3 Nephi 1:43 Nephi 2:243 Nephi 4:693 Nephi 13:59Mormon 4:66-67; 1 Corinthians 12:10-111 Corinthians 13:22 Peter 1:19-21Revelation 19:20; Revelation 22:7,10,18-19; BofC 1:7; BofC 10:11

Prophesy(-ied) (-eth) (-ing)
1 Nephi 1:1692 Nephi 1:102 Nephi 11:2,23,482 Nephi 13:3-5Jacob 3:19;
Enos 1:37Mosiah 3:4Alma 21:8-9Moroni 10:11Jeremiah 5:30-31; Jeremiah 14:14-16Ezekiel 13:1-11Joel 2:28Acts 2:17-18Romans 12:6; 1 Corinthians 13:91 Corinthians 14:1,3-5,22,24,31,391 Thessalonians 5:22; Revelation 10:11; BofC 49:20

Prophet Like Unto Moses (Christ)
1 Nephi 7:44,463 Nephi 9:60-61Deuteronomy 18:15Acts 3:22Acts 7:37

Provocation (of God)
Jacob 1:7Alma 9:58-59Psalm 95:8Hebrews 3:8,15

Publish Peace
1 Nephi 3:189Mosiah 7:77Mosiah 8:47-50Mosiah 11:2073 Nephi 9:78Isaiah 52:7;
Nahum 1:15

Punishment of God
2 Nephi 1:80,118Mosiah 1:75Mosiah 11:198Alma 19:81,98-104Matthew 25:46;
2 Thessalonians 1:9Hebrews 10:292 Peter 2:9

Purpose/Purposed of God
1 Nephi 1:1142 Nephi 1:972 Nephi 10:46,48Alma 17:36Alma 19:108;
Mormon 2:42Mormon 4:26Isaiah 14:26

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Topics – Q

Quick (Alive) and Dead
Moroni 10:31Acts 10:422 Timothy 4:11 Peter 4:5

Quick To do Iniquity
Mosiah 8:6Helaman 4:53-54Alma 21:37

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Topics – R

Reap Rewards
2 Nephi 11:75Mosiah 5:49-50Alma 1:128Alma 7:42-44Alma 8:78Alma 15:66;
Alma 16:173Alma 19:68-69,78,803 Nephi 5:59,93,97,108Romans 4:4; 1 Corinthians 3:8,141 Corinthians 9:172 Corinthians 9:6Galatians 6:7-9; 1 Timothy 5:182 John 1:8

Rearward (Rereward), God To Be
3 Nephi 10:8Isaiah 52:2Isaiah 58:8

Rebel, Rebellious (see Willful Rebellion)

Receiver Given More; Will Not Receive, Taken Away
2 Nephi 12:38Alma 9:17-203 Nephi 13:6Ether 5:35Matthew 13:12Matthew 25:29Mark 4:25Luke 8:18Luke 19:26

Records To Come Forth Through Gentiles
1 Nephi 3:185,191-192,2501 Nephi 4:16Enos 1:19-20,26Mormon 3:30; Mormon 4:14,17-18,21,32-38,45Ether 1:98-101

2 Nephi 1:71Jacob 4:14Mosiah 9:44Alma 8:97Alma 9:42,49,52-53Alma 12:119;
Alma 13:45Helaman 5:70-71Romans 8:23Ephesians 1:7Colossians 1:14;
Hebrews 9:12

Red Sea Parted
1 Nephi 1:1001 Nephi 5:108-1092 Nephi 9:61Mosiah 5:29Alma 17:26; Helaman 3:44Exodus 15:4Psalm 106:7-11

Remnant of Jacob as a Lion
Alma 21:543 Nephi 7:38-403 Nephi 9:51-52,88,993 Nephi 10:1Mormon 2:54Mormon 3:32Micah 5:8

Remnant of Joseph
Alma 21:54-58,603 Nephi 2:1063 Nephi 4:723 Nephi 7:13Ether 6:6,8,10;
Genesis 49:26Deuteronomy 33:16

Remorse of Conscience
Alma 3:34Alma 15:56Alma 19:100

Repent and Be Baptized
2 Nephi 6:48-492 Nephi 13:14,24Alma 3:86Alma 5:243 Nephi 5:40; 3 Nephi 10:313 Nephi 12:29Acts 2:38Acts 3:19

Repent or Be Cut Off (Perish)
1 Nephi 3:212Mosiah 7:35,64Alma 13:37Helaman 5:73-743 Nephi 9:106;
Mormon 2:38Luke 13:3,5Revelation 2:5,16,22

Repentance (see If Repent, Will Be Saved)

Rest of God
Jacob 1:7Enos 1:45Alma 9:55-57,61,69Alma 10:6,10,29Alma 11:28Alma 17:67; Alma 19:44Alma 27:293 Nephi 12:323 Nephi 13:14Moroni 6:3Moroni 9:6; Moroni 10:31Matthew 11:18-29Hebrews 3:11,18Hebrews 4:1-11

Restoration Comes To All (also see According to Works; Reap Rewards)
Alma 8:102Alma 19:57-58,62,64-67,73,76-77,79-80,106,110-111Helaman 5:86

Restoration of Israel (also see Gathering of Israel)
2 Nephi 2:24,472 Nephi 10:242 Nephi 12:733 Nephi 2:107-1093 Nephi 7:28-29;
3 Nephi 13:54Isaiah 11:12Isaiah 43:5Isaiah 49:6Isaiah 54:7Jeremiah 31:10

Restoration of Jews
1 Nephi 4:31,332 Nephi 5:292 Nephi 6:2-32 Nephi 7:122 Nephi 12:85; 3 Nephi 9:68-72Mormon 2:41-42Ether 6:11-13Jeremiah 23:3Jeremiah 29:14; Jeremiah 30:3Jeremiah 31:8Jeremiah 32:37Ezekiel 20:34,41Ezekiel 34:13

Resurrection (also see Lifted Up At Last Day)
2 Nephi 1:752 Nephi 6:11-12,36,472 Nephi 7:43Jacob 3:17-18Jacob 4:14; Mosiah 8:54-55,58-59,62,80,84Mosiah 9:40Alma 8:98,100,105Alma 9:14; Alma 14:87Alma 16:197Alma 19:33,39,52,56Helaman 5:69-71Mormon 3:21Mormon 4:72Moroni 10:31Matthew 22:30Matthew 27:53Luke 14:14Luke 20:36; John 5:29John 11:25Acts 24:151 Corinthians 15:42Hebrews 11:35;
Revelation 20:5-6

Retain Remission of Sins
Mosiah 2:22,42Alma 2:20

2 Nephi 4:92 Nephi 11:126,130Jacob 1:6Jacob 3:7,11Jarom 1:28; Words of Mormon 1:9Helaman 2:45Helaman 4:293 Nephi 13:59Mormon 4:44,66; Ether 1:101,1131 Corinthians 14:6,262 Corinthians 12:1Ephesians 1:17; Revelation 1:1; BofC 2:2; BofC 10:10-11; BofC 44:46

Righteous Branch
2 Nephi 2:7-82 Nephi 6:1052 Nephi 7:12 Nephi 8:66Jacob 2:34Proverbs 11:28;
Isaiah 4:2Isaiah 60:21Jeremiah 23:5

Righteous Preserved, Need Not Fear
1 Nephi 5:1221 Nephi 7:36-37,41,48,552 Nephi 1:152 Nephi 8:482 Nephi 11:72;
Helaman 5:17Genesis 18:23-25Proverbs 10:3Proverbs 11:8Psalm 34:19; Psalm 37:17,25Psalm 55:22Isaiah 3:10

Righteousness Is of God
1 Nephi 3:2312 Nephi 3:563 Nephi 10:25Ether 3:102Ether 5:29Job 36:3;
Isaiah 54:17Isaiah 61:10Isaiah 64:6Jeremiah 23:6Daniel 9:7,181 Corinthians 1:30;
2 Corinthians 3:9Philippians 3:9James 1:20

Ripened in Iniquity (Sin) for Destruction
1 Nephi 5:123,1382 Nephi 12:20Jacob 3:121Alma 8:28Alma 17:60,64; Alma 21:17Helaman 2:64,167Helaman 3:64Helaman 4:47Helaman 5:18; Ether 1:32-33,41Ether 4:22

River of Water (Filthy)
1 Nephi 2:54,60,62,711 Nephi 3:1241 Nephi 4:43-47

Rock (God, Christ)
1 Nephi 3:1861 Nephi 4:202 Nephi 3:50,65-662 Nephi 5:702 Nephi 6:90; 2 Nephi 9:522 Nephi 12:34Jacob 5:41Helaman 2:74-753 Nephi 5:41-42; 3 Nephi 6:363 Nephi 8:43-44Deuteronomy 32:4,15,18,30-31,37; 2 Samuel 22:2,32,47Psalm 18:2,31,46Psalm 31:3Psalm 42:9Psalm 61:2; Psalm 62:2,6-7Psalm 71:3Psalm 78:35Psalm 89:26Psalm 92:15Psalm 94:22; Psalm 95:1Isaiah 8:14Isaiah 51:1Matthew 7:24-25Matthew 16:18Luke 6:48; Romans 9:331 Corinthians 10:41 Peter 2:6,8

Rod of Iron (Word of God)
1 Nephi 2:62-63,68-69,781 Nephi 3:681 Nephi 4:38-39Psalm 2:9Revelation 2:27;
Revelation 12:5Revelation 19:15

Rod (Christ) Out of Stem of Jesse
2 Nephi 9:116Isaiah 11:1

Root (Christ) of Jesse/David
2 Nephi 9:125Isaiah 11:10Romans 15:12Revelation 22:16

Rough Places Smooth (also see Earthquakes)
1 Nephi 5:1493 Nephi 4:11Isaiah 40:4

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Topics – S

Jarom 1:11Mosiah 7:116,118Mosiah 9:56Exodus 31:14,16Exodus 20:10;
Isaiah 58:13Mark 2:27-28Luke 6:5

Sacrament (Lord’s Supper, Communion)
3 Nephi 8:28-42,60-613 Nephi 9:44Mormon 4:95Luke 22:19-20John 6:53-58; 1 Corinthians 10:161 Corinthians 11:20,23-29

Sacramental Prayers (Lord’s Supper)
Moroni 4:4Moroni 5:3

Sacrifice of Broken Heart, Contrite Spirit, Praise
3 Nephi 4:493 Nephi 5:49-52Matthew 5:3-5Romans 12:1Hebrews 13:5

Sacrifice/Burnt Offerings in America
1 Nephi 1:1571 Nephi 2:39Mosiah 1:30Alma 16:210-2163 Nephi 4:49

Saints of God
1 Nephi 3:2301 Nephi 4:462 Nephi 6:42-43,85Moroni 8:29Psalm 31:23; Psalm 37:28Psalm 50:5Psalm 89:5,7Psalm 116:15Zechariah 14:5Matthew 27:52;
Romans 1:7Romans 8:271 Corinthians 6:2Revelation 19:8Saints of God Slain
1 Nephi 3:1402 Nephi 11:662 Nephi 12:12Mormon 4:56Ether 3:95;
Revelation 16:6Revelation 17:6Revelation 18:24

Salvation, Eternal/Everlasting
2 Nephi 1:632 Nephi 5:812 Nephi 11:102Mosiah 1:108,116Mosiah 2:10-12;
Mosiah 3:11,21Mosiah 7:92Mosiah 8:5,64,66Alma 8:96Alma 14:77,95Alma 15:55; Helaman 5:68Mormon 4:93Isaiah 46:13Isaiah 52:7Luke 1:69Luke 3:6Luke 19:9; John 4:22Acts 4:12Romans 1:16Romans 10:10Romans 11:112 Corinthians 6:2; 2 Corinthians 7:10Philippians 2:122 Timothy 3:15Hebrews 1:14Hebrews 2:3,10; Hebrews 5:91 Peter 1:9

Salvation Is Free
2 Nephi 1:662 Nephi 11:102-103Romans 5:15-18Romans 6:23Acts 8:20

Satan, No More Power
1 Nephi 7:32,60-62Ether 3:102Revelation 20:2-3

Save All If They Hearken
2 Nephi 1:772 Nephi 6:45Alma 3:39,55Alma 5:24-25Alma 8:91Alma 9:27; Helaman 4:70Helaman 5:84Mormon 4:86Moroni 10:16Mark 16:16Acts 2:37-39

Saved By Grace
2 Nephi 7:422 Nephi 11:44Jacob 3:8Mormon 1:40Ether 5:27-28Moroni 10:29;
Romans 3:24Romans 4:16Romans 11:6Galatians 5:4Ephesians 2:5,8Titus 3:7

Scattering of Israel
1 Nephi 1:261 Nephi 3:171 Nephi 7:8-9,12,15-172 Nephi 1:24Leviticus 26:33;
Deuteronomy 4:27Deuteronomy 28:64Deuteronomy 32:26Jeremiah 9:16;
Jeremiah 13:24Jeremiah 18:17Ezekiel 22:15Ezekiel 36:19Zechariah 7:14

Sealed Book
2 Nephi 11:86,125-144,1552 Nephi 12:2,80Isaiah 29:11

Sealed Record Not Delivered in Day of Wickedness
2 Nephi 11:127Ether 1:100-101

Search the Scriptures
Jacob 5:38Mosiah 1:11Alma 10:32Alma 12:4Alma 16:54,176,1873 Nephi 4:69;
3 Nephi 9:473 Nephi 10:26-27,32Mormon 4:27Proverbs 25:2John 5:39; Acts 17:111 Peter 1:10

Second Death (Spiritual, Everlasting) (also see Lake of Fire and Brimstone)
2 Nephi 1:120,1242 Nephi 7:40,43Jacob 2:65Alma 9:28-32,52,59Alma 10:30;
Alma 19:60Helaman 5:73-74Revelation 2:11Revelation 20:6,14Revelation 21:8

Second time to Restore People (also see Gathering of Israel)
2 Nephi 5:362 Nephi 9:1262 Nephi 11:27-282 Nephi 12:42Jacob 4:3Isaiah 11:11

Secret Combinations (also see Works of Darkness)
2 Nephi 11:93Alma 17:64Helaman 2:1654 Nephi 1:50Ether 3:92-98

Secret Works, Cain (also see Secret Combinations)
2 Nephi 6:232 Nephi 7:22Alma 17:52,56Helaman 2:151-152Helaman 3:36;
3 Nephi 2:8Ether 3:891 John 3:12Jude 1:11

See Eye to Eye
Mosiah 8:67,71Isaiah 52:8

See God In Our Bodies (also see Resurrection; Lifted Up at Last Day)
2 Nephi 6:7Job 19:26

Seed of Christ
Mosiah 8:25,39-47Isaiah 53:10

Seed of Israel to Inherit Gentiles
3 Nephi 10:11Isaiah 54:3

Seeds of Every Kind
1 Nephi 2:401 Nephi 5:14,177,2142 Nephi 3:15Ether 1:16,24

Seek Diligently, Find
1 Nephi 3:29Jacob 2:23-243 Nephi 6:11,19-20Psalm 69:32Psalm 119:2; Amos 5:14Matthew 6:33Matthew 7:7-8Luke 11:9-10Luke 12:31James 1:5-7

Seek Kingdom of God
1 Nephi 3:1873 Nephi 6:11Matthew 6:33Luke 12:31

Seer (also see Choice Seer)
2 Nephi 2:10-11,17,25Mosiah 5:73-81Mosiah 12:18-211 Samuel 9:9; 2 Samuel 15:271 Chronicles 26:282 Chronicles 9:29Amos 7:12

Serpent (Devil)
2 Nephi 1:104Mosiah 8:74Revelation 12:9-15Revelation 20:2

Serve Lord With All Your Might
Mosiah 1:53-56Mosiah 5:52Mosiah 9:41Alma 16:9Alma 17:693 Nephi 2:85;
Exodus 23:25Deuteronomy 10:12Joshua 24:141 Samuel 12:20Psalm 2:11; Psalm 100:2

Service to Others
Mosiah 1:42-46,48-51,64Mosiah 2:21,28,43Matthew 25:34-36Luke 22:26-27;
John 13:12-15

Shake Terribly the Earth, Heavens Shake
(also see Earthquake-Crucifixion, Second Coming
2 Nephi 8:35,372 Nephi 10:13Ether 1:103Isaiah 2:19,21Isaiah 13:13; Isaiah 24:18-20Isaiah 34:4Ezekiel 38:19-20Joel 3:16Nahum 2:3Haggai 2:6-7,21; Matthew 24:29Luke 21:25Hebrews 12:25-27Revelation 6:12-17

Shall Not Hunger Nor Thirst
1 Nephi 6:40Isaiah 49:10John 4:13-14John 6:27,35John 7:37Revelation 7:16

Sharpness/Harshness of the Word
2 Nephi 1:47-49Enos 1:36-39Words of Mormon 1:26Mosiah 7:108Moroni 9:4;
2 Corinthians 13:10

Shazer (Jazer)
1 Nephi 5:16-17Numbers 32:1,3Isaiah 16:8-9

Sheep Numbered
1 Nephi 7:57Mosiah 11:127-128Helaman 5:1043 Nephi 7:26,383 Nephi 10:1; John 10:14-16

Sheep To Find Pasture (also see Shall Not Hunger Nor Thirst)
1 Nephi 6:391 Nephi 7:59John 10:9

Shrink From God
2 Nephi 6:91Jacob 2:6Mosiah 1:83-84,127Mosiah 11:198-199Alma 9:24;
Alma 17:12Mormon 4:61,63

Signs of Christ’s Birth
Helaman 5:56-593 Nephi 1:8,17,21-24Matthew 2:2,7,9-10Luke 2:12

Signs of Christ’s Death
1 Nephi 5:242-2432 Nephi 11:61Helaman 5:75-823 Nephi 1:173 Nephi 4:3-21; Matthew 27:50-53Mark 15:37-38Luke 23:44-45

Signs Follow Believers
3 Nephi 12:22Mormon 4:87Ether 1:115Mark 16:17

Sins/Wrath of God Upon Own Heads
1 Nephi 7:26-27Jacob 2:63Enos 1:16Mosiah 13:42Alma 8:26Alma 27:26; 3 Nephi 13:10Mormon 4:55Ezekiel 7:18Ezekiel 11:21Ezekiel 22:31Acts 18:6

Six Hundred Years Till Messiah (Lehi exodus from Jerusalem)
1 Nephi 3:41 Nephi 5:2362 Nephi 11:353 Nephi 1:1

Slippery Treasures
Helaman 5:41,45,48Mormon 1:19,34

Slow to Hear Cries
Mosiah 7:36Mosiah 9:155

Small Means (Works of God)
1 Nephi 5:36Alma 17:35-36,75Ether 1:67

Smite Earth With Rod of Mouth (also see Mouth Like a Sharp Sword)
2 Nephi 9:119Isaiah 11:4

Smitten of Gentiles (Lehi’s Seed)
1 Nephi 3:150,1781 Nephi 4:262 Nephi 11:81-89

Sodom, Grievous Sin of
2 Nephi 8:472 Nephi 10:19Genesis 13:10,13Genesis 19:24Leviticus 20:13;
Deuteronomy 29:231 Kings 14:24Isaiah 13:19Jeremiah 49:18Amos 4:11; Romans 1:26-27

Son of Eternal Father, Son of God
1 Nephi 3:43-44,62,86,1932 Nephi 11:36Mosiah 1:102Mosiah 8:29Alma 5:18-19Alma 8:93-94Helaman 5:66Matthew 26:63Luke 1:35John 3:18John 10:36;
1 John 5:10-13

Son of Perdition
3 Nephi 13:93 Nephi 13:60John 17:122 Thessalonians 2:3

Sons and Daughters of God (also see Ye Shall Be As God)
Mosiah 3:8Mosiah 11:188Ether 1:78John 1:12Romans 8:14,19Philippians 2:15; 1 John 3:1-2

Alma 1:48Mormon 1:20Isaiah 8:19Isaiah 47:9,12Acts 8:9,11Revelation 9:21; Revelation 18:23

Sorrow and Mourning Flee Away
2 Nephi 5:912 Nephi 10:25Alma 19:44Isaiah 25:8Isaiah 35:10Isaiah 51:11; Revelation 7:17Revelation 21:4

Sorrow of World/Damned
Mormon 1:372 Corinthians 7:10

Soul Could Never Die
Alma 9:34Alma 19:90,98

Spared for Righteous’ Sake
Alma 8:33Alma 29:49Helaman 5:17-18Genesis 18:24-32

Space Between Death and Resurrection
Alma 19:36,39-40,42,56

Spiritual Gifts (see Gifts of God; Gifts of the Spirit)

Spiritual Gifts Enumerated
Moroni 10:8-121 Corinthians 12:4-11

2 Nephi 2:35-37Exodus 4:16

Storm At Last Day
Alma 14:85-86Isaiah 4:6Isaiah 28:2Ezekiel 38:9

Standard (To the People) (also see Ensign for Nations)
1 Nephi 6:521 Nephi 7:132 Nephi 5:172 Nephi 12:44Isaiah 49:22Isaiah 59:19;
Isaiah 62:10Jeremiah 4:6Jeremiah 50:2Jeremiah 51:12-27

Steel, Precious Steel
1 Nephi 1:1091 Nephi 5:222 Nephi 4:21Jarom 1:19Ether 3:46Psalm 18:34;
Job 20:24

Stiff Necks
2 Nephi 11:21Jacob 2:16Jacob 3:22Jacob 4:7Alma 12:2193 Nephi 7:17; Mormon 4:42Exodus 32:9Exodus 33:3,5Deuteronomy 9:6Deuteronomy 31:27; Psalm 75:5Jeremiah 17:23Acts 7:51

Sting of Death
Mosiah 8:80-81Alma 13:47Mormon 3:271 Corinthians 15:55-56

Stone (Christ) Is Rejected
Jacob 3:26Psalm 118:22Matthew 21:42Mark 12:10Luke 20:17Acts 4:11; 1 Peter 2:7

Strait Gate
1 Nephi 2:63-672 Nephi 6:812 Nephi 13:11,25,272 Nephi 15:10Jacob 4:16; Alma 5:17,33-34Alma 17:42Helaman 2:263 Nephi 6:263 Nephi 13:11; Matthew 7:13-14Luke 13:24

Suffer Pains of All Men (Christ)
1 Nephi 5:237-2382 Nephi 6:10,46-47Mosiah 1:100Mosiah 8:32Alma 5:20,23; Alma 13:46Luke 24:26Acts 3:18Acts 26:23

Sword of Laban
1 Nephi 1:1092 Nephi 4:19Jacob 1:10Words of Mormon 1:20Mosiah 1:24

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Topics – T

Take Name of Christ, Called by His Name
2 Nephi 13:16Mosiah 3:8,11-13Mosiah 11:108,125,132Alma 1:28Alma 3:62-63;
Alma 16:237Alma 21:45,47,513 Nephi 5:783 Nephi 12:18-19Matthew 11:29-30; Acts 9:15-16

Take Up Cross
2 Nephi 6:42Jacob 1:8Alma 19:13-143 Nephi 5:78Matthew 10:38Matthew 16:24Mark 8:34Mark 10:21Luke 9:23Luke 14:27Galatians  6:13-14

Temple In Last Days (Lord’s House)
2 Nephi 8:18-19Ether 6:3Isaiah 2:2-3Isaiah 4:6Isaiah 56:6-7Isaiah 66:1,6; Ezekiel chapters 40-43Micah 4:2Haggai 2:6-9Zechariah 6:12-13,15

That We Be One
2 Nephi 1:36Jacob 3:134,1443 Nephi 9:23,30John 11:52John 17:11,21-23;
Acts 4:32Romans 12:4-51 Corinthians 10:171 Corinthians 12:12-13,20; 2 Corinthians 13:11Galatians 3:28Ephesians 4:4Philippians 2:2Colossians 3:15; 1 Peter 3:8

Thirst(ed) Not (also see Thirst Quenched)
1 Nephi 6:28,40Alma 16:119,1723 Nephi 9:44Isaiah 48:21Isaiah 49:10; John 4:13-14John 6:35Revelation 7:16

Thirst Quenched (also see Thirst Not)
2 Nephi 6:993 Nephi 5:53Psalm 42:2Psalm 63:1Isaiah 55:1

Those Without Law Saved, No Baptism
2 Nephi 6:51-55Mosiah 1:107Mosiah 8:58-59Romans 4:15

Three Generations of Righteous Nephites
1 Nephi 3:1182 Nephi 11:73Alma 21:12Helaman 5:11-133 Nephi 13:9

Three Nephites (of Twelve Disciples)
3 Nephi 13:13-44,49-534 Nephi 1:15,41Ether 5:17

Throne of God/Christ
1 Nephi 1:131 Nephi 5:1303 Nephi 5:82Moroni 9:28Psalm 47:8Isaiah 6:1;
Isaiah 66:1Ezekiel 1:26-28Daniel 7:9Matthew 5:34Matthew 19:28;
Matthew 25:31Acts 7:49Hebrews 4:16Hebrews 12:2Revelation 3:21;
Revelation 4:2-6,9-10Revelation 5:1,6-7,11,13Revelation 6:16; Revelation 7:9-10,15,17Revelation 8:3Revelation 12:5Revelation 14:3,5; Revelation 16:17Revelation 19:4-5Revelation 20:11Revelation 21:5; Revelation 22:1,3

Tithes, Tithing
Alma 10:83 Nephi 11:11,13Genesis 14:20Malachi 3:8Matthew 23:23Luke 11:42;
Hebrews 7:5-9

To the Law (Bible) and to the Testimony (Book of Mormon)
1 Nephi 3:192-1962 Nephi 9:58Isaiah 8:20Ezekiel 37:19

Tongues of Angels
2 Nephi 13:17-182 Nephi 14:2-33 Nephi 12:7Mormon 4:87Moroni 10:11; 1 Corinthians 13:1

Tower of Babel (Nations Scattered)
Omni 1:39Mosiah 12:22Ether 1:3,5,7Genesis 11:4-9

Two Nations Run Together
2 Nephi 12:61Ezekiel 37:16-22

Two Sons (Things)
2 Nephi 5:102-106Isaiah 47:9Isaiah 51:19

Traditions of Fathers
Mosiah 1:8Alma 1:106,109Alma 7:8,22Alma 12:16,25Alma 13:22Alma 27:51; Galatians 1:142 Thessalonians 2:15

Treasures In Heaven
Helaman 2:70Helaman 3:633 Nephi 5:111-112Matthew 6:19-20Matthew 19:21; Mark 10:21Luke 12:33Luke 18:22

Tree of Life
1 Nephi 2:491 Nephi 3:41,46,63-64,68-691 Nephi 4:36-37,46,622 Nephi 1:98;
Alma 3:58,108Alma 9:35,39,44Alma 16:169Alma 19:82,85Genesis 2:9;
Genesis 3:22-24Proverbs 3:18Proverbs 11:30Proverbs 13:12Proverbs 15:4;
Revelation 2:7Revelation 22:2,14

Trump (Trumpet) of God/Angels
Mosiah 11:133Alma 15:52Mormon 4:72Isaiah 18:3Isaiah 27:13Zephaniah 1:16Zechariah 9:141 Corinthians 15:521 Thessalonians 4:16Revelation 1:10;
Revelation 4:1Revelation 8:13Revelation 9:14

Twelve Disciples Chosen (America)
3 Nephi 5:18-22,44-453 Nephi 9:4Moroni chapter 2

Types and Shadows
Mosiah 1:111Mosiah 7:110Mosiah 8:8Alma 14:69,75Alma 16:191Alma 17:80;
Ether 6:6Colossians 2:17Hebrews 10:1

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Topics – U

Unpardonable Sin (for results see Second Death)
Jacob 5:33Alma 19:8Matthew 12:31-32Mark 3:29Luke 12:10Hebrews 6:4-6; Hebrews 10:262 Peter 2:20-22

Unquenchable Fire (also see Lake of Fire and Brimstone)
Jacob 4:15Mosiah 1:84,129Alma 3:90Mormon 4:64Matthew 3:12Luke 3:17

Unrepentant Not Received At Last Day
2 Nephi 6:672 Nephi 15:17Mosiah 11:136,141Alma 13:37Alma 16:77; Alma 19:1103 Nephi 13:47Mark 10:15Luke 18:17

Unutterable Words
Helaman 2:973 Nephi 9:32-343 Nephi 12:7,9,113 Nephi 13:262 Corinthians 12:4

Urim and Thummim (see Interpreters Director)

Uttermost Senine (Farthing)
3 Nephi 5:74Matthew 5:25-26

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Topics – W

Wages of Sin Is Death
Mosiah 1:75Alma 1:129Alma 3:70Mormon 4:24Romans 6:23

Wars and Rumors of War
1 Nephi 3:99,132,232-2331 Nephi 7:272 Nephi 11:21Mormon 4:37Matthew 24:6;
Mark 13:7Luke 21:9

Wash Away Sins, Blood of Christ (also see Garments Rid of Blood)
Alma 3:39Alma 5:25Alma 10:3Alma 14:363 Nephi 12:32Ether 6:10-11; Acts 22:161 Corinthians 6:11Ephesians 5:26Titus 3:5Hebrews 10:22; 2 Peter 2:22Revelation 1:5Revelation 7:14

Watch and Pray (also see Pray Always)
Mosiah 2:49Alma 10:28,109Alma 16:2383 Nephi 8:47,50-51Moroni 6:5; Matthew 24:42Matthew 25:13Mark 13:33,35,37Mark 14:38Luke 21:36; 1 Corinthians 16:13Colossians 4:21 Thessalonians 5:62 Timothy 4:51 Peter 4:7

Water From Rock
1 Nephi 5:1111 Nephi 6:282 Nephi 11:38Exodus 17:6Numbers 20:8,10-11;
Nehemiah 9:15Psalm 114:8

Waters of Mormon
Mosiah 9:33,38,48,65-66Mosiah 11:95,121Alma 3:4

Way Prepared
1 Nephi 3:281 Nephi 7:432 Nephi 1:662 Nephi 6:24,81-822 Nephi 7:40; Alma 17:82Alma 19:71Helaman 2:71Matthew 7:14Mark 12:14Luke 20:21; John 10:1John 14:4-6

White and Delightsome People (also see Curse Taken Away)
1 Nephi 3:1512 Nephi 4:352 Nephi 12:843 Nephi 1:52

Who Hath Believed Our Report
Mosiah 8:16Isaiah 53:1John 12:38Romans 10:16

Whole Need No Physician
Matthew 9:12Mark 2:17Luke 5:31

2 Nephi 6:702 Nephi 11:1102 Nephi 12:16,18Jacob 2:32,37,43,55Mosiah 7:5;
3 Nephi 9:1054 Nephi 1:18Mormon 4:39Ether 3:90Jeremiah 3:2; Ezekiel 16:20,22,25-26,34Ezekiel 23:35Ezekiel 43:7,9Hosea 2:2,4Hosea 4:11-12; Hosea 5:3-4Hosea 6:10

Whore of All the Earth (also see Abominable Church; Mother of Abominations)
1 Nephi 3:223-2281 Nephi 7:26,312 Nephi 7:242 Nephi 12:22; Revelation 17:1,15-16Revelation 19:2

Whore Sits Upon Many Waters (Nations)
1 Nephi 3:224,226Revelation 17:15

Wicked Cast Out/Cut Off (also see Bad Cast Away; Cast Off/Out the Wicked)
1 Nephi 1:551 Nephi 2:871 Nephi 7:42,452 Nephi 1:31,34,69-702 Nephi 3:9; 2 Nephi 6:14Mosiah 8:72Alma 3:44-45Alma 7:16Alma 22:21Helaman 4:68,72; 3 Nephi 9:61Leviticus 17:14Psalm 37:9Isaiah 29:20Matthew 8:12; Matthew 13:47-48Luke 9:25

Wicked Need To Fear
1 Nephi 1:1141 Nephi 4:621 Nephi 5:128-1291 Nephi 6:291 Nephi 7:51; 2 Nephi 11:62Alma 19:47

Wicked Pastors/Ministers
1 Nephi 6:30Jeremiah 2:8Jeremiah 10:21Jeremiah 12:10Jeremiah 23:1-2;
2 Corinthians 11:13,15

Wicked Will Not Destroy Righteous
1 Nephi 7:35-37,48Isaiah 51:7-8Zephaniah 3:16-17

Wicked To Be As Stubble
1 Nephi 7:33,51-532 Nephi 11:65,693 Nephi 11:22Joel 2:5Obadiah 1:18; Malachi 4:1

Willful Rebellion
Mosiah 1:108Mosiah 8:61-623 Nephi 3:204 Nephi 1:42Mormon 1:17; Numbers 14:9Joshua 1:18Hebrews 10:26

Wisdom (also see Wisdom of World)
2 Nephi 6:192 Nephi 9:1172 Nephi 11:1442 Nephi 12:37Jacob 3:15; Mosiah 1:49,79Mosiah 2:9,14,44Mosiah 5:85Alma 15:59Alma 16:132; Alma 17:68Helaman 4:55Helaman 5:1073 Nephi 9:89,973 Nephi 11:29; 3 Nephi 13:41,54Mormon 2:40Ether 3:96Moroni 10:3,101 Kings 4:29; 2 Chronicles 1:10-12Psalm 37:30Psalm 90:12Proverbs 1:7Proverbs 2:6-7; Proverbs 3:13-17Proverbs 8:22-32Luke 1:17Luke 2:40,52Luke 21:15;
1 Corinthians 1:27-301 Corinthians 2:1-7Ephesians 3:10Colossians 1:9,28; Colossians 3:16Colossians 4:5James 1:5Revelation 17:9

Wisdom of World
1 Nephi 3:912 Nephi 6:58-602 Nephi 11:147Mosiah 11:52Alma 1:53Isaiah 29:141 Corinthians 1:19-221 Corinthians 2:4-6,131 Corinthians 3:192 Corinthians 1:12;
James 3:15

Wise But Harmless
Alma 12:99Matthew 10:16

Without Spot
2 Nephi 15:8Jacob 1:20Alma 3:39,44-45,49Alma 5:42Alma 9:23Alma 10:4;
3 Nephi 12:33Mormon 4:65Ether 5:39Moroni 10:301 Timothy 6:142 Peter 3:14

Wo To Rich
2 Nephi 6:62-632 Nephi 12:18Mosiah 2:39Matthew 19:23-24Mark 10:23;
Luke 18:24-25James 5:1-6

Wolf, Lamb Dwell Together
2 Nephi 9:1212 Nephi 12:92Isaiah 11:6Isaiah 65:25

Word of Lord Fulfilled
1 Nephi 2:191 Nephi 3:172 Nephi 4:29,31Mosiah 9:142Alma 7:18Ether 6:108;
Isaiah 55:11

Words of Isaiah Fulfilled
2 Nephi 11:123 Nephi 7:433 Nephi 9:47-49Matthew 15:7Mark 7:6Luke 4:17-21;
John 12:37-41Acts 28:25Romans 9:27,29Romans 10:16,20Romans 15:12

Works of Darkness (also see Secret Combinations)
2 Nephi 11:3,76,952 Nephi 12:97Alma 17:52,54-55,58-65Alma 21:11; Helaman 2:154-156Helaman 3:36,114Helaman 4:33Ephesians 5:11

Works Follow Them
3 Nephi 12:24Revelation 14:13

Would Not Be Spotless
Jacob 1:20Alma 3:44Alma 9:23Mormon 4:65

Wrath of God
1 Nephi 3:2361 Nephi 7:34,362 Nephi 1:312 Nephi 9:792 Nephi 10:13; Alma 9:58-60Alma 10:30,51Alma 25:6,9Helaman 3:63Ether 4:22Ether 6:61; Romans 1:18Ephesians 5:6Colossians 3:6Revelation 14:10,19Revelation 15:1,7

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Topics – Y

Ye Shall Be As God (also see Sons and Daughters of God)
2 Nephi 1:104,117Mosiah 8:75Alma 9:51Alma 19:83Genesis 3:5Psalm 82:6;
John 10:34

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