“And it came to pass” Glyphs
Location: Palenque (pah-lehn-kay), House A-D
Description: The Book of Mormon is sometimes criticized for its use of “And it came to pass”, “Now it came to pass”, and other related forms of the phrase. In the Book of Mormon, these phrases occur over 1200 times. In the Old Testament, the phrase occurs over 400 times. Various forms of this phrase including “and then it came to pass”, “until it came to pass”, “since it had come to pass”, and “after it had come to pass” have been translated from Maya glyphs on the Palace Tablet that was found in House A-D of the Palenque Palace. [17] Images of these glyphs with their respective translations can be found at the Mesoweb website. Reference glyphs E6, F16, H9, I9, O17, and Q4.