Sac-be (White Road)
Location: Labna in Yucatan, Mexico
Description: There are many ancient roads in Central America that provide evidence of the Book of Mormon statement in III Nephi 3:8 – “… and there were many highways cast up, and many roads made, which lead from city to city ….”. In Tingambato we read, “There were roads and well-traveled byways between these cities. The best-known routes were north and south, from Teotihuancan through what is now the Veracruz region and on to the Maya land. There was also travel to southwestern Oaxaca and Monte Alban.” [27] Wilbur Garrett in a National Geographic article states, “Early travelers, dazzled by the culture of the Maya, compared them to the Greeks because of their science, to the Romans because of well-drained, paved roads, and to the Egyptians because of their pyramids.” [28]